Month: December 2023
IQ Tests

In this case study, you will analyze a testing scenario using your knowledge of testing and ethics. Part A: Review the Case Part B: Case Analysis In a 3–5-page paper, addressing the following information: Formatting Specifics The Wiley…
Read More »LGMT 440 discussion 6.2 Demand and Order Management’s Impact on Customer Service

Research a production company and compare and contrast the four dimensions of customer service (time, dependability, communication, and convenience). Please note that expectations may differ depending on the product line that you choose.
Read More »Nursing Question

T.B. is a 61-year-old African American female who presented to the clinic with complaints of abdominal pain and cramping, general body aches, vomiting, and diarrhea for the past 4 days. The patient states she noticed symptoms developed after…

You will prepare a distribution improvement strategy for the Hunt Company. Recently, the company began outsourcing its manufacturing to overseas companies. Due to this recent change, they have suffered various issues and problems with their distribution processes. Instructions:…
Read More »Previous studies for( Framework for Improving Design of Commercial Buildings in Hot Humid Climate).

The previous studies should be related the the following subject ( Performance Assessment Framework for Improving Design of Commercial Buildings in Hot Humid Climate). Need fully detail for the previous studies, including :introduction, conclusion, citation, and References, etc….
Read More »Privacy and the Right to Be Forgotten

Case StudiesPrivacy and the Right to BeForgottenHenri was a well-known shopkeeper andcafé owner in a small town on the outskirtsof Paris. He was thrust into a vortex ofcontroversy in the summer of 2007 when hewas falsely accused of…
Read More »Facebook’s “Unfriendly” Privacy Policies

Case StudiesFacebook’s “Unfriendly” PrivacyPoliciesFacebook CEO, Marc Zuckerberg, couldn’tquite believe all the attention he was getting.Facebook was on the verge of its initialpublic offering (IPO), and it seemed that themedia couldn’t get enough of this Cinderellastory. Zuckerberg had created…
Read More »The Monitoring of Social Media by Employers

Case StudiesThe Monitoring of Social Media byEmployersMonitoring and electronic surveillance ofemployees in the workplace has a long andcomplex history. Workers have always feltuneasy about such intrusions but have hadlittle legal recourse. Disputes quickly arosewhen companies began to systematicallymonitor…
Read More »Please select an ongoing conflict such as the war in Ukraine, US-Iran hostilities, India and Pakistan, or China and Taiwan.

Please select an ongoing conflict such as the war in Ukraine, US-Iran hostilities, India and Pakistan, or China and Taiwan. These are just examples, so please get in touch with me for permission to pursue a particular topic….
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