Month: January 2024

Create a 20 slide powerpoint about DNA-based phylogenetic trees 

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Create a 20 slide powerpoint about DNA-based phylogenetic trees 

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Define an acid, base, and salt as they apply to chemistry.

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Discussion Question 1  Using the South University Online Library or the Internet, research acids, bases, and salts that are used in therapeutic processes. On the basis of your research, respond to the following:  Discussion Question 2  Using the…

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As a continuation from the Growth and Development Pinterest Project, you will need to create a board titled Preschool Curriculum.  This board will need to include 50 pins divided into 10 pins for each of the following areas:

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1.Using the book “Supporting Every Learner”, found in the welcome section of this course, create one activity that covers at least 4 domains and find at least 1 specific standard per domain that applies to your activity.  Make sure to…

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Please only use this textbook ( Barry B. Powell, Classical Myth (9th edition).  Please use this edition (or the 8th)

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Please only use this textbook ( Barry B. Powell, Classical Myth (9th edition).  Please use this edition (or the 8th) Answer the following questions in an essay of approximately 800 words (900 is the absolute maximum).  Your essay should: Topic: “Perhaps…

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What aspects of the Ecological Systems Theory from the readings did you most connect with and why? Please provide an example of how you would apply this theory to a client.

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use the link for the questions!!

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Summarize what you’ve learned about knowledge related to a) health promotion and disease prevention to address health disparities among diverse and vulnerable populations; b) discuss primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention; and c) discuss Healthy People 2030 and how its initiatives support current health issues. 

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Final Discussion Project/Self-Reflection Assessment Post  For this assignment, your self-reflection assessment must connect what you’ve learned to specific learning aspects of this course. Your reflective-learning points must be substantial, pertinent to what you’ve learned, and must be based…

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Use the intermediate value theorem to verify the given polynomial has at least one zero “ci” in the intervals specified. Do not find the zeroes. H(x)=2x^4+3x^3-14x^2-9x+8

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Use the intermediate value theorem to verify the given polynomial has at least one zero “ci” in the intervals specified. Do not find the zeroes H(x)=2x^4+3x^3-14x^2-9x+8 a.   [-4, -3] b.  [-2, -1] Please show work . Section…

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 Post to your individual groups as part of a discussion.  Locate at least one real-world example of someone who helps another person (or non-human animal), and analyze the apparent motive(s) behind the helping behavior (i.e., does the helping reflect social rewards, personal distress, empathic concern, or some combination of these?)

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Instructions: Post to your individual groups as part of a discussion.  Locate at least one real-world example of someone who helps another person (or non-human animal), and analyze the apparent motive(s) behind the helping behavior (i.e., does the…

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Do you think that a quality image is more important in a region of the world where corruption and transparency are greater problems?

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Course: Culture & Organizations Week 5 Discussion Forum  Do you think that a quality image is more important in a region of the world where corruption and transparency are greater problems? Consider: Do global banks, such as Citibank…

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