Month: January 2024

Summarize each of the three main sociological theories

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NOTE: Points will be deducted for the inclusion of outside references. The resources you need to complete assignments are to be found in the assigned course readings. REMEMBER, the use of ChatGPT, Bard, and other forms of AI to…

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Use Aimé Césaire’s “Discourse on Colonialism” to explain how colonialism builds on the notion of “without history” to strengthen and perpetuate Conquest myths.

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Use Aimé Césaire’s “Discourse on Colonialism” to explain how colonialism builds on the notion of “without history” to strengthen and perpetuate Conquest myths. Please remember that you must use concrete evidence from the lectures, readings, etc., and that…

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Explain your findings. What does the association or correlation say about the relationship between your variables? Is the relationship strong, weak, positive, negative, or nonexistent?

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Choose one dataset , select two qualitative variables and two quantitative variables. Explain why you selected these variables. Analysis: For your qualitative variables, create a contingency table and calculate the association between them. For your quantitative variables, calculate…

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The number of students taking the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) has risen to an all-time high of more than 1.5 million. Students are allowed to repeat the test in hopes of improving the score that is sent to college and university admission offices. The number of times the SAT was taken and the number of students are as follows.

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QMB 3200 – Homework #2 Instructions: HW Problems: Number of Times SAT is taken            Number of Students 1                                                  721,769 2                                                  601,325 3                                                  166,736 4                                                  22,299 5                                                  6,730

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Imagine you are a court administrator for the local superior court. You have been asked to speak to a high school civics class. Specifically, the teacher would like you to provide a general overview of federal and state courts and discuss the primary actors in each court system. 

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There are different actors in the courtroom, and each has a specific role in how a trial or session will progress. There are also differences between the federal and state courts that are important to understand. In this…

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Choose two factors from SDOH or DEI that have influenced maternal morbidity and mortality in the United States. What are some best practices in health promotion that could improve maternal health outcomes? Provide a community resource or program in your area that is focused on improving maternal and infant health. Describe their services and provide a link or contact information for your resource.

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Assessment Description The United States has ranked below other developed countries in maternal morbidity and mortality for several years and has not met the associated Healthy People 2030 goal. Maternal health is a critical factor for the live…

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Discuss the criticism against Differential Association Theory

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Discuss the criticism against Differential Association Theory. In your opinion, explain whether or not you believe they are valid (Material is found in Videos component). The minimum length expectation is 1-2 pages. APA format is required.  (TRS Psychology….

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Topic Research: · If your major is psychology, you might consider researching counseling strategies, consumer behavior in online shopping, decision-making in upper-management positions, etc.

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Critical Annotated Bibliography Topic Research: · If your major is psychology, you might consider researching counseling strategies, consumer behavior in online shopping, decision-making in upper-management positions, etc. keep in mind that it should be a topic on which…

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Describe three different types of summative assessments other than formal quizzes and tests that could be used to measure learning outcomes. What are the benefits to using these types of assessments? What are the drawbacks?

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Describe three different types of summative assessments other than formal quizzes and tests that could be used to measure learning outcomes. What are the benefits to using these types of assessments? What are the drawbacks?

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Discuss the differences between formative and summative assessments. Is it necessary for every course to have both types of assessment? Explain.

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Discuss the differences between formative and summative assessments. Is it necessary for every course to have both types of assessment? Explain.

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