Month: January 2024


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After reading each article, compose a summary paragraph for each article in your own words and complete the template below for each article. I will attach the link to both articles below.

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Based on the conflict perspective and game theory, what are the causes of ethnic/racial conflict and stratification in South Africa?

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That is assignment 1: Based on the conflict perspective and game theory, what are the causes of ethnic/racial conflict and stratification in South Africa? (6 sentences)

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In what ways does discrimination against Asians parallel Anti-Semitism (discrimination against Jews)?

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Supply a 2 sentence answer for each of the following questions. 1. In what ways does discrimination against Asians parallel Anti-Semitism (discrimination against Jews)? 2. In what ways is discrimination against Asians similar to discrimination against American Indians…

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Discuss, in general, the all-else-constant concept. Why is it so important to economic analysis?

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There are two papers in this assignment. (Paper 2) could be as long as 2 pages long.  Paper 2 and 3 are also connected in a way.  PAPER 2 DIRECTIONS: This short paper sets up the assumptions portion…

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The Institute of Medicine has stated a goal that 90% of practice be evidence-based by 2020. According to, the United States is currently at approximately 15%. Discuss two barriers that might hold nursing practice from achieving this goal and suggest ways in which identified barriers may be addressed.

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1)The Institute of Medicine has stated a goal that 90% of practice be evidence-based by 2020. According to, the United States is currently at approximately 15%. Discuss two barriers that might hold nursing practice from achieving this…

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Degenerative Diseases Assignment

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Choose any two degenerative diseases (your choice) from the list provided below. Create a 10 slide PowerPoint presentation that identifies the conditions, describes common characteristics, signs/symptoms, if the conditions do or do not interfere with daily life activities,…

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List and briefly describe the 6 key criteria to evaluating a franchise opportunity. Beginning with ‘The Territory Assigned.’

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Small Business Management – Chapter 12     3-4 sentence answers. 

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In the discussion this week, you selected a publicly traded company to research. In this Financial Analysis assignment, you will obtain the company’s financial statements to develop a company trend and common-size analysis as well as obtain the Statement of Cash Flows. Instructions:Using the company that you chose in this week’s Discussion, develop a company trend and common-size analysis using the Mergent Database and Excel. 

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Overview:In the discussion this week, you selected a publicly traded company to research. In this Financial Analysis assignment, you will obtain the company’s financial statements to develop a company trend and common-size analysis as well as obtain the…

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Consider earthquakes around the globe. Describe three factors that influence the amount of surface damage and two that affect the number of fatalities. Recommend five actions that might be taken to reduce damage and fatalities. What political, social, or economic issues must be overcome to implement these?

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1)   Consider earthquakes around the globe. Describe three factors that influence the amount of surface damage and two that affect the number of fatalities. Recommend five actions that might be taken to reduce damage and fatalities. What political,…

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List several ways in which these two selections reflect the youth movement of the 1960s, supporting your points with details from the textbook.

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MHL153 ROCK MUSIC AND CULTURE Chapter 4, “Transitional Styles of Rock in the Early 1960s.” For the following question please answer all parts.

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