Month: January 2024

Explain the evolution of health insurance and managed care, while including the forces that drove this evolution.

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Based on Chapter 1 and 2, Managed health care is on a continuum, answer the following questions. Be sure to follow the Discussion Board & Assignment Instructions. 300 words apa style  Kongstvedt, Essentials of Managed Care, Sixth Edition ISBN:…

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Using the NPV method, determine which investment is the better capital investment and please explain why.

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Congratulations! You have moved up to the XYZ Corps Financial Team. For your first assignment as part of team you are asked to compare 3 potential capital investments. Instructions: Each project has a 10-year life span with no…

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Create a situation, background, assessment, recommendation (SBAR) analysis using the template provided to assess the documentation and coding scenario and recommend ways to rectify the situation. Explain the situation in detail, followed by background information. Include any assumptions you are making about the situation. Then explain the immediate assessment and recommendations you have for your supervisor.

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Overview In this module, you learned how tools and technology can help with the documentation process. They make regulatory compliance and audits easier for healthcare organizations. This activity will help you assess how technology supports regulatory compliance in…

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Create a memo to assess how the following laws and regulations can help a healthcare organization reduce fraud, waste, and abuse and thereby manage risk to the revenue cycle and reimbursement. Also, recommend strategies and technology to help an organization abide by the laws and regulations. R

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Overview In this module, you explored the importance of documentation in government compliance and reporting. When assisted by technology, documentation becomes easier to capture and maintain, as well as less prone to errors, which in turn improves the…

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Describe the factors that determine the BAC level of an individual after a period of drinking. Also, describe the types of field sobriety tests officers use and how implied consent laws play a role in chemical testing.

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Each student will need to choose from one of the two questions below and provide a 1-2 paragraph response to the selected question. Please only answer one of the questions, You are not required to provide an answer…

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For this assignment, you will draft a Legislative Letter to a specific legislator and offer support or a constructive argument against pending or passed policy or legislation that you are passionate about.   

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Legislative Communication: Letter For this assignment, you will draft a Legislative Letter to a specific legislator and offer support or a constructive argument against pending or passed policy or legislation that you are passionate about.    Your letter…

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Which aspects of emotional intelligence did the officers apply to their situation? Explain how they applied these principles

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Description In this assignment, you will examine the mindset shift in policing based on the video provided. Watch the following video to help you with this assignment (TEDx Talks, 2015): “The Importance of Mindset in Policing” Then, research…

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Emotional Intelligence and Unintentional Bias: Tools in the Evolution of Criminal Justice

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write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas. Emotional…

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360° Feedback -The Ultimate Guide (2023)Transformational Leadership style

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SLP 1  MGT 501 Management and Organizational Behavior PERSONALITY AND MOTIVATION  Assignment OverviewMotivation and Feedback Styles Transformational leaders inspire and elevate followers, transactional leaders focus on exchanges and clear expectations, while laissez-faire leaders adopt a hands-off approach. In…

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You are currently a pro bono junior attorney working for a legal team that specializes in criminal defense. You have been asked to gather background information on a defendant of your choosing. In order to help the team build a solid defense, you must provide a 10-15 minute presentation (using Microsoft PowerPoint) explaining 2 biopsychosocial risk factors that could have contributed to their antisocial behavior.

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Instructions You are currently a pro bono junior attorney working for a legal team that specializes in criminal defense. You have been asked to gather background information on a defendant of your choosing. In order to help the…

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