Month: July 2024


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Consider any project with the right characteristics (risky, quick delivery of customer value, etc.) and develop the project documentation for execution of the project using SCRUM. Following instructions can be followed to develop the project documentation: Formatting Requirements

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Choose a contemporary moral issue in our society (week 3 folder) and apply the ethical principle of Utilitarianism to approve this moral issue

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Read Chapter 5 and watch the Week 3 Lecture. Choose a contemporary moral issue in our society (week 3 folder) and apply the ethical principle of Utilitarianism to approve this moral issue. You must pick a moral issue that you strongly…

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The Story of Stuff

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please submit two copies mine and my friends the same class same instructions but make sure they dont look alike so that the professor doesn’t know Discussion 3: The Story of Stuff Contains unread posts Starts Jul 8…

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In what ways did President Lyndon Johnson escalate US involvement in the Vietnam War?

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Paper details: The Vietnam War was a watershed moment in United States history. You’ve learned that the war spanned the terms of three different presidents, divided the nation politically, and tested the adaptability of the U.S. military. For…

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Forming the Humanities

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Question 1 Using the first lecture presentation and reading on “Forming the Humanities,” assess the different approaches (specialization versus generalist) to studying the humanities. What are the benefits of each approach for modern university education? What approach appeals…

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Describe the various tools and methods of gathering data used in the field of psychological assessment

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QUESTION: Define assessment. Describe the various tools and methods of gathering data used in the field of psychological assessment. MUST REFERENCE: (S) Psychological Testing and Assessment: An Introduction to Tests and MeasurementRonald Jay Cohen & Mark E. Swerdlik, 2018McGraw-Hill…

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Explain in your own words what Social Work Competency

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In a reflection paper of 200-250 words, complete the following: APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, but solid academic writing is expected. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to…

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Teaching Practice

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Watch the video in the video section of this module entitled, Component 7: Lesson Delivery. In a reflective response, answer the following questions: 1. What do you observe about the classroom setup? 2. What do you observe about the student…

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3 Critical Concepts – Remediation Document

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“3 Critical Concepts – Remediation Document” Upon completion of the required Practice Assessment, conduct a focused review, by downloading the “ATI Individual Performance Profile” Report. Complete the “3 Critical Concepts – Remediation Document” by using each NCLEX Client…

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Random Acts of Kindness

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We hear a lot about random acts of violence. We are more likely to pay attention to the negative, unexpected events that happen than the mildly pleasant events that occur. We notice that things go wrong and don’t…

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