Month: August 2024

C5.GP.A: Use social justice, anti-racist, and anti-oppressive lenses to assess how social welfare policies affect the delivery of and access to social services.

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This assignment builds on the previous assignments in the course, where you identified a social problem and selected a local, state, or federal policy that affects it. I will attach the previous assignment here. In this assignment, you…

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explain a health care problem or issue

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the assignment length requirement is 4-6 pages. This does not include the title and reference page. Make sure to review the previous assignments for comments regarding APA formatting. The paper should only be double-spaced. There should not be…

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What are the six additive empathic responses social worker frequently employ at expanding clients’ awareness of feelings?

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Deeper Feelings: Empathy has been defined as perceiving, understanding, experiencing, and responding to the emotional state of another person. What are the six additive empathic responses social worker frequently employ at expanding clients’ awareness of feelings?

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Consider an example of a real-word company, whether it be from your own work experience or even a business you may shop through (e.g., Amazon)

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In today’s world of network architecture and the process by which companies communicate with their employees and their customers, it is important to fully understand the weaknesses and strengths of the architecture. Consider an example of a real-word…

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The Father of Modern Management

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InstructionsThe Father of Modern Management said that “Strategic Management is not a box of tricks, nor is it a bundle of techniques.” Research and write a 3-page paper on the many other things the Father of Modern Management…

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For this assignment, you will be creating a two-page activity plan for a 68-year-old patient, who lives in an unsafe rural neighborhood with no sidewalks or safe areas for walking.

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Course Competency Design multidimensional strategies of care considering the health determinants of vulnerable populations. Instructions For this assignment, you will be creating a two-page activity plan for a 68-year-old patient, who lives in an unsafe rural neighborhood with…

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describe the implications of the change on nursing staff and nursing management

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Description Identify and describe a needed change in your workplace. It could be a change in the levels of staffing; a change in policy, such as time off or tuition reimbursement; a change in use of equipment or…

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six specific primary source document

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Here are the Instructions: Using six specific primary source document, you will produce your own collection of primary source document analyses, along with a synthetic central argument (that is, a broad observation and interpretation of the past based upon a…

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Does not identify scholarly information that could explain a health care problem or issue.

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the assignment length requirement is 4-6 pages. This does not include the title and reference page. Make sure to review the previous assignments for comments regarding APA formatting. The paper should only be double-spaced. There should not be…

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develop a business plan

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In the assignment for Week 10, you will develop a business plan for a selected company of your choice that is focused on accounting and financial practices to expand operations and increase revenue for growth. In the business…

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