23FA script analysis II 2313

Learning Goal: I’m working on a writing presentation and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.

students will create a mock major anthology of plays with a theme. Students will write an introduction (5-7 pages long) on the plays included, addressing why the plays were chosen, how they work together/speak together, and what scholars and artists would benefit from using or reading the anthology. The introduction must have at least 5 sections (paragraphs), one addressing each play, discussing the plays themselves, their historical background, and some background on the playwright.

To do this assignment, each group or person needs to decide what major idea/area of exploration their anthology will examine (p.s. – the genres listed in the schedule are a good place to start, i.e.: plays addressing the American dream, hyperrealism, alternative structures, science fiction, war and wartime, sports and competition, illness, addiction, and health, etc…) and then discuss in your group how these texts speak to each other. For your presentation, each student in the group must speak! The work should be broken up equally! Power Point presentations are encouraged for your presentation. the 5 plays chose for me for this assignment are tru west, cost of livin, mother courage and her children, death and the kings horsemen and peer gynt.

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