CS 1101-01 Programming Fundamentals

Learning Goal: I’m working on a programming multi-part question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.


Welcome to unit 3!

Conditional statement flowchart showing the flow of If, then, else.
Unit 3 provides an overview of the Conditionals and Recursion, which are the prime requirements for the decision control process in a program. You’ll learn how to use if statements and recursive functions to create conditional execution problems. You will also learn about some essential recursion-related topics, such as boolean expressions, stack diagrams, keyboard input, and the integer operators for floor division (//) and modulus (%).

The reading for Unit 3 provides an exhaustive analysis concentrating on the following:

  • chained versus nested conditionals
  • recursion
  • simplification of nested conditionals using boolean expressions.

Your programming skills will develop to the next level once you write recursive Python programs.


“Boolean Operators Spock” by mwscheung is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0. To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/2.0/?ref=openverse.


Reading Assignments are designed to expand your knowledge of the topics introduced in the Overview and provide the knowledge you will need to successfully complete the assignments in this unit. As you read through the learning resource and watch the videos consider the following:

  • What is recursion?
  • When should we use recursion, and when should we avoid it?
  • How can we avoid infinite recursion?
  • What is the difference between chained and nested conditionals?


  1. Think Python: How to think like a computer scientist




The supplemental reading assignment is not required reading but provides additional context and background for the topic and students are encouraged to review these assignments.

  1. Think Python: How to think like a computer scientist.


Downey, A. (2015). Think Python: How to think like a computer scientist. Green Tea Press. https://greenteapress.com/thinkpython2/thinkpython2.pdf

kjdElectronics. (2017, June 9). Python beginner tutorial 5 – Booleans and conditionals [Video]. YouTube. https://youtu.be/E4wbrwDpnIg


Welcome to Unit 3 Discussion Forum.

Describe the difference between a chained conditional and a nested conditional. Give your own example of each. Do not copy examples from the textbook.

Deeply nested conditionals can become difficult to read. Describe a strategy for avoiding nested conditionals. Give your own example of a nested conditional that can be modified to become a single conditional and show the equivalent single conditional. Do not copy the example from the textbook.

The code and its output must be explained technically whenever asked. The explanation can be provided before or after the code, or in the form of code comments within the code. For any descriptive type of question. Your answer must be at least 150 words.

End your discussion post with one question related to programming fundamentals learned in this unit from which your colleagues can formulate a response or generate further discussion. Remember to post your initial response as early as possible, preferably by Sunday evening, to allow time for you and your classmates to have a discussion.

Your instructor will grade this assignment using this rubric.



In this unit, we explored the overview of the Conditionals and Recursion, which are the prime requirements for the decision control process in a program. Before completing this assignment, review the reading material below:

Q 1. The following is the countdown function copied from Section 5.8 of your textbook.

def countdown(n):
if n <= 0:

Write a new recursive function countup that expects a negative argument and counts “up” from that number. Output from running the function should look something like this:

>>> countup(-3)

Write a Python program that gets a number using keyboard input. (Remember to use input for Python 3 but raw_inputfor Python 2.)

If the number is positive, the program should call countdown. If the number is negative, the program should call countup. Choose for yourself which function to call (countdown or countup) for input of zero.

Provide the following.

  • The code of your program.
  • Respective output for the following inputs: a positive number, a negative number, and zero.
  • An explanation of your choice for what to call for input of zero.

    Q 2: You are developing a program that performs a division operation on two numbers provided by the user. However, there is a situation where a runtime error can occur due to a division by zero. To help junior developers learn about error handling in expressions and conditions, you want to create a program deliberately containing this error and guide them in diagnosing and fixing it.


  • Create a Python program that prompts the user to enter two numbers.
  • Implement a division operation on the entered numbers.
  • Introduce a condition that raises a runtime error if the second number is zero.
  • Provide an error message that clearly indicates the cause of the error.
  • Guide the junior developers in identifying the error message and implementing error handling techniques to handle the division by zero scenario.


  • Provide a code demonstrating how to handle the division by zero error.
  • Output demonstrating the runtime error, including the error message.
  • Explain the significance of error handling in expressions or conditions, using the division by zero scenario as an example. Discuss the potential impact of not handling this error in a program.
  • Please provide detailed explanations and code snippets to guide the junior developers in understanding and addressing the division by zero error in Python programs.


  • Submit the solutions to both questions in one document.
  • The code and its output must be explained technically. The explanation can be provided before or after the code. The descriptive part of your response must be at least 200 words.
  • Make sure your submission is double-spaced, using Times New Roman, 12-point font, with 1” margins.
  • Use sources to support your arguments. Use high-quality, credible, relevant sources to develop ideas that are appropriate for the discipline and genre of the writing.
  • Use APA citations and references to support your work. Add a reference list at the end of the submission. For assistance with APA formatting, view Learning Resource Center: Academic Writing.
  • Your submission should be clearly written, concise, and well organized, and free of spelling and grammar errors. The grading will be based on the quality of your analysis, accurate solution of the problem and the quality of your writing.


Downey, A. (2015). Think Python: How to think like a computer scientist. Green Tree Press

This assignment will be assessed by your instructor using the rubric available on the assignment page located on the course homepage.

Requirements: Please find the appropriate solution, If you are using references, please use the proper citation rules   |   .doc file

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