Complex Computing Problem


Complex Computing Problem

Course Title: Computer programming

Course Code: CSC-113

Class: BS (AI)-1A Submission deadline: 03-Jan -24

Course Instructor: Salas Akbar Marks: 10



  1. Students will perform this assignment individually.
  2. Assignment should be done only on A4 size paper and will also be uploaded on LMS
  3. Deadline will not be extended for any reason.
  4. Copied assignments will be marked zero
  5. Make a single pdf as both soft copies and hard copy
  6. Solution must be designed by applying the following characteristics
CharacteristicsProblem Solving description
Depth of analysis requiredHas no obvious solution, and requires conceptual thinking and innovative analysis to formulate suitable abstract models
Depth of knowledge requiredA solution requires the use of in-depth Computer Programming knowledge provided in class & lab sessions.


Assume you’ve been entrusted with developing a C++ mini-house renting system. Users should be able to explore available houses for rent, make reservations, and maintain their bookings by interacting with a menu-driven software. Each house has unique characteristics such as location, size, number of rooms, and rental price. The owner has his or her own dashboard where he or she can upload information about the house(s) available for rent. The customer/renter gets his or her own dashboard where the available residences for rent can be seen or searched.

NOTE: Each entity in your program must have adequate attributes of the relevant data type. When creating a C++ solution, use suitable programming constructs.


Apply the following functionalities in your equivalent C++ program.

[CLO3, PLO4, BTL C3]

  1. The program should display a list of available houses, including key details such as location, size, number of rooms, and rental cost.
  2. Users should be able to search for houses based on criteria like location, size, or rental cost. The program should display matching houses.
  3. Users can choose a house and make a reservation. The system should validate the availability of the selected house and confirm the reservation.
  4. Users should have the option to view their current bookings, displaying details of reserved houses and their rental periods.
  5. Users can cancel a reservation, and the system should update the availability of the house accordingly.

Add screen shots of your program and output in your solution file

Evaluation Criteria

DeliverablesEvaluation CriteriaTarget CLOs
Application for school library (methods and operations)40%[CLO3, PLO4, BTL C3]
File Handling40%[CLO3, PLO4, BTL C3]
Viva20%[CLO2, PLO4, BTL C2]
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