Inductive reasoning leads to the philosophical problem of induction, and conclusions you draw every day are inductive. Reflect on the possibility that these conclusions could turn out to be wrong (false). Explain how you can improve your critical thinking by being mindful of the fact that most of the conclusions we draw on a daily basis are inductive rather than deductive. Give at least two examples to illustrate your reasoning.

  1. Critical Thinking journal

Inductive reasoning leads to the philosophical problem of induction, and conclusions you draw every day are inductive. Reflect on the possibility that these conclusions could turn out to be wrong (false). Explain how you can improve your critical thinking by being mindful of the fact that most of the conclusions we draw on a daily basis are inductive rather than deductive. Give at least two examples to illustrate your reasoning.

Your journal entry must be at least 400 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.

  1. General Psychology

Think back to your childhood. What type of reinforcement worked best for you when you were in grade school? Was it positive or negative? Did this change in high school?

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.

  1. Project Stakeholder
  • Part I:

Consider a time in your work experience when you had to lead a team or a formal project. Describe what forms of communication you used to plan, lead, and organize your team. Also, describe what communication media you used as well as which you preferred. Finally, before communicating with your team, did you create a communications plan? Why, or why not?

Part II:

Refer to the example of the library construction project introduced in Unit I. Consider stakeholders who may strenuously oppose the project. What strategies would you use to shift them from opposition or resistance to supporters of the project?

  1. Corporate Finance

Choose a publicly traded company that issues bonds. You can locate this information by reviewing your chosen company’s annual report online. A good place to start is the Annual Reports website.

In your case study, discuss the following aspects of the company.

  1. Provide a brief introduction of the company, including its name, headquarters, products/services offered, and approximate net worth.
  2. What are the key features of one of the bonds issued by your chosen company? Discuss how the bond’s terms and collateral can affect the bond’s interest rate.
  3. How would a potential investor determine the value and risk of the bond?
  4. Explain the concept of the time value of money (TVM) as it applies to the company’s bond offerings.

Your case study should be at least two pages in length. Use APA Style to cite and reference all quoted and paraphrased material, including your textbook. Use a minimum of two sources, one of which may be the textbook. Include a title page, introduction, body, conclusion, and references page. An abstract is not required.

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