Create a line chart (also known as a trend chart) using the qualitative variable Date and the quantitative variable Quantity Sold to provide a visualization displaying quantity sold by month.

    • Create a line chart (also known as a trend chart) using the qualitative variable Date and the quantitative variable Quantity Sold to provide a visualization displaying quantity sold by month.
    • Create a line chart (also known as a trend chart) using the qualitative variable Date and the quantitative variable Flavor Rating (average) to provide a visualization displaying flavor rating (average) by year/quarter/month.
    • Create a combo chart using the qualitative variable Date (x-axis) and the quantitative variables: Quantity Sold (clustered column) and Advertising expenditures (line – secondary axis).
    • Create a combo chart using the qualitative variable Date (x-axis) and the quantitative variables: Quantity Sold (clustered column) and total – Social Medial Posts and Event Promotions (line – secondary axis). Hint: create a pivot table variable to sum the social media posts and event promotions.
    • Create a box and whiskers chart using the qualitative variable Quantity Sold. This will help identify any outliers in the quantity sold data.
    • Create a histogram for the quantitative variable Flavor Rating. It is recommended to use the data analysis “add-in” and the analysis tool “Histogram” to create the data for the visualization.
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