MGMT696 Artifacts

Learning Goal: I’m working on a management writing question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.

Course Objectives:

  • Revise artifacts from previous coursework throughout the program based on feedback from the instructor.
  • Organize a significant collection of artifacts in an e-portfolio including projects, papers, and other relevant examples showcasing work completed during the program to demonstrate mastery of the program objectives.

Artifact #3 ==> Presentation/Project/Audio-Video

Using submitted work from a previous class, locate a presentation/PowerPoint, major project, or some type of audio/video item to submit as your next artifact. You will want to spend your time this week reviewing and critiquing your item before submission. If you are unsure about whether your item fits into this category this week, please contact your faculty member for approval. You should have all of the following corrected:

  1. All mechanical errors
  2. All content errors
  3. Any other feedback received by your faculty member should be incorporated.

Requirements: Detailed

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About the Author: admin