Select a type of intervention for treating some aspect of language disorder (not speech) in children (not adults) that an SLP in a school setting or private practice may implement

Intervention Research & Demonstration

CMD415 – Disorders of Child Language


Upon completion of this research assignment, students will:

  • Use discipline-specific databases to research an intervention approach for a language disorder in childhood.
  • Interpret treatment research articles, synthesize information across sources, and identify key elements of a selected intervention approach.
  • Demonstrate the selected intervention approach.


  1. Select a type of intervention for treating some aspect of language disorder (not speech) in children (not adults) that an SLP in a school setting or private practice may implement. You may use one listed on the sign up sheet (link will be provided in class) or one that does not appear on the list (write it in in the “other” section). If you are not sure if the intervention you’re interested in meets the requirements for this assignment, please ask!
  2. Research this therapeutic approach, using information found in a minimum of two peer-reviewed journal articles. You will need to find several sources to complete this assignment and may use one additional source that is not a journal article.
  3. Evaluate the information found in the research articles and synthesize information about the single intervention from several sources.
  4. Describe the intervention approach in a detailed manner, through the completion of the following chart. Use information from your research to complete the chart. (Be sure to provide in-text citations of your sources of information, where appropriate.)
  5. Write a brief summary of the intervention your researched.
  6. Record a brief video of you demonstrating the intervention, to be submitted and shared with the class through Brightspace. It should be a brief overview of what the intervention approach is, who you might use it with, and what goals it targets, followed by a brief simulation or demonstration of what that type of treatment would look like in practice. The video should be between 3-5 minutes long. It doesn’t need to be very long or professionally produced or edited, but should give the viewer an idea of how to implement the intervention approach when working with a child.
  7. Submit your typed chart and summary on the designated due date (noted in the syllabus).

Intervention Research & Demonstration

CMD 415 – Disorders of Child Language



Name(s) of therapy approach
Functional goalsWhat is the aim of this intervention approach? What area(s) of language does this address? What changes in children’s everyday language would you expect to see through the implementation of language therapy using this approach?
Candidacy criteriaWho is the target population for this intervention? (Consider age, diagnosis, severity, etiology, setting, concomitant factors, and any other relevant criterion.)
Contraindications?Is this approach contraindicated for any population? Who is not a good candidate for this approach? Why? (Consider age, diagnosis, severity, etiology, setting, concomitant factors, and any other relevant criterion.)
RationaleWhat is the reasoning behind using this approach with the specified population? What is the theory behind it? Why is this a good fit for the target population it’s being used to treat?
Methodology- Overview & ProcedureGive a general overview of the intervention/ technique. Then, provide specific information about the procedure. How do you use this approach in a therapy session? How is it implemented? Are there specific steps or instructions? Is there a specific hierarchy or types of cues or feedback that you give? Do children need to master a certain skill or level to proceed to the next step?
Response measurementHow do you know if this approach is working with the target population? What types of changes in language will you see if it is effective? How will those changes be measured or tracked during therapy?
Special training?Is any special training required for SLPs to use this approach? Is this a proprietary intervention? Does a practitioner need to attend a specialized workshop or training to be able to use this type of intervention in her/his practice?
Research evidenceWhat is the evidence that this approach is effective with this population?

Written Summary

(3-5 paragraph overview)

Describe the intervention approach. What population was this developed to be used with? What types of goals might an SLP address using this intervention approach? What was the support (research evidence) for using this approach?References

(alphabetical list of references in APA, 7th edition here)

Intervention Research & Demonstration

CMD 415 – Disorders of Child Language




Relevance of articles & therapy approaches selectedSelected one therapy approach irrelevant to the assigned; did not describe approaches using a minimum of two peer-reviewed journal articles; inaccurate or missing APA format for in-text citations and reference list.Selected one therapy approach relevant to the assigned topic; used at least two peer reviewed sources that were insufficient or were non-peer-reviewed sources to describe therapy approach; used APA format for in-text citations and reference list with few minor errors.Selected one therapy approach relevant to the assigned topic; used more than two relevant peer-reviewed journal articles to describe; accurately used APA format for in-text citations and reference list.
Interpretation of approachInaccurately interpreted purpose, methodology, results, and/or conclusion of articles.Interpreted purpose, methodology, results, and conclusion of articles with few minor errors.Accurately interpreted purpose, methodology, results, and conclusion of articles.
WritingDid not follow the instructions or format. Omitted one or more questions/areas. Lacked depth of information in most areas. Did not write cohesively, used poor sentence structure, and/or made multiple grammatical mistakes.Mostly followed directions and format. Answered all questions/areas, but lacked depth of info in some areas. Written cohesively and made few grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation errors.Followed directions and format. Answered all questions/areas. Written cohesively and with appropriate grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
SummarySummary was incomplete. Did not discuss overview of approach, application to children with language disorders, or support for using this intervention approach in therapy.Summary discussed overview of approach, application to children with language disorders, and support for using this intervention approach in therapy.Summary discussed overview of approach, application to children with language disorders, and support for using this intervention approach in therapy, and links made to other knowledge or learning.
Video demonstrationDidn’t do or did not include introduction or demonstration.Included introduction and demonstration; was vague, incomplete, or inaccurate.Included clear introduction and demonstration; was accurate and complete.
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