For this assignment, please read the chapters indicated at each AREA below and then post three (3) things you learned about Negotiable Instruments; three (3) things you learned about Agency; and three (3) things you learned about Employment Law (see attachment for full instructions and also PDFs of the chapters)

For this assignment, please read the chapters indicated at each AREA below and then post three (3) things you learned about Negotiable Instruments; three (3) things you learned about Agency; and three (3) things you learned about Employment Law (see below for full instructions.)

Negotiable Instruments/Agency/Employment Law

  • Area A: Negotiable Instruments: Chapter 25
  • Area B: Agency: Chapters 32 and 33
  • Area C: Employment Law: Chapters 34 and 35

Full Instructions:

Please repeat each AREA (not the chapter references) followed by your responses (1, 2, 3). In other words, you do not need to answer three things for each chapter; rather, you have to answer three things for each AREA. So, for example, for Area B, you can discuss two things you learned from Chapter 32 and one from Chapter 33. It can also be all three things from Chapter 33. But, you have to let me know which chapter you are using.  

This assignment will be graded on the completeness of your responses in each area. Do not just name what you have learned (e.g., “I learned that in employment law employees are at-will, unless they have a contract). Rather, your response must contain a complete answer which means defining and explaining the concepts you have learned (at-will is defined as …, and then further explain the difference between at-will and how having a contract protects employees).

You must have three complete paragraphs for each area. Grammar and spelling count, please edit your work. Points will be deducted for not following these instructions and for not defining and explaining each concept.

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