Sports fan behavior final project

Learning Goal: I’m working on a sports management multi-part question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.

Title: Consumer-Focused Sport Industry Analysis

Objective: Evaluate the current sports market landscape and propose innovative marketing strategies.

Part 0. Overview of the targeted sport industry (Minimum 200 words) (15 points)

  • Choose a sport industry out of online sports betting, esports, fitness and sport tourism.
  • Justify your choice of the sport industry.

Part 1. Sport consumer motivation (Minimum 400 words) (15 points)

  • Examine the fundamental motivations within your chosen sport industry, aligning them with the three core elements of self-determination theory: intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, and amotivation. Delve into how these motivations manifest specifically in your selected industry (Refer to Chapter 7.5).

Part 2. Sport consumer involvement (Minimum 400 words) (15 points)

  • Assess the level of involvement in your selected sport industry across different age groups: Gen Z, Millennials (Gen Y), Gen X, and Baby Boomers.
  • Utilize the ‘three faces of sport involvement’ framework to understand how each age group interacts with the industry. Consider factors such as frequency of engagement, emotional investment, and knowledge levels (Chapters 8.6 – 8.8).
  • Identify and categorize each age group as either casual or avid consumers based on their involvement characteristics. (Chapters 8.6 – 8.8).

Part 3. Constraints in sport engagement (Minimum 400 words) (15 points)

  • Examine and articulate the various constraints in sport engagement within your chosen industry. Focus specifically on intrapersonal constraints (individual’s psychological state and attitudes), interpersonal constraints (social interactions and relationships), and structural constraints (external factors like accessibility and availability). (Refer to Chapter 9.3.).
  • Analyze how these constraints differ across age groups, including Gen Z, Millennials (Gen Y), Gen X, and Baby Boomers. Investigate how each group’s unique lifestyle, preferences, and limitations impact their engagement in the sport industry.

Part 4. Sport consumer attitudes (Minimum 400 words) (15 points)

  • Delve into the relationship between consumer attitudes, intentions, and behaviors in your selected sport industry. Utilize the theory of planned behavior to explore this dynamic, focusing on the three key factors: beliefs, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control (Chapter 10.4).
  • Assess and predict the attitudes, intentions, and behaviors specific to each age group – Gen Z, Millennials (Gen Y), Gen X, and Baby Boomers – within the context of your target industry. Consider how these factors influence their engagement and decision-making processes (Chapter 10.4).

Part 5. Perceptions of service quality and customer satisfaction (Minimum 400 words) (15 points)

  • Conduct an evaluation of the target sport industry using the SERVQUAL dimensions. This should include an analysis of tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy as they apply to your chosen industry (Chapter 12.3).
  • Develop strategies to enhance customer satisfaction for each distinct age group: Gen Z, Millennials (Gen Y), Gen X, and Baby Boomers. Tailor your recommendations to the unique preferences and expectations of each demographic, ensuring that your strategies are aligned with the SERVQUAL insights.

Part 6. Citations (10 pts) – At least 5 citations excluding the textbook.

  • Create an APA-formatted reference list (For guidance, visit Purdue OWL).
    • Ensure you include details on citing electronic sources.
    • The project should have a cover page featuring the title of your project (be as creative as you wish), your name, and the page number.
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