Write a short story about the idea of change. What happens when the new and the old intersect, overlap, or compete against each other? 

Write a short story: minimum 1000 words—maximum 2000 words. Due December 9th.

Write a short story about the idea of change. What happens when the new and the old intersect, overlap, or compete against each other? What happens when we feel that the world has changed, or we changed? You can think about the changes that we experience as we grow up, as we enter (or leave) a relationship, as we experience loss or trauma, as we reach some new understanding about a person or an issue, etc. 

Your story will be fictional, but you should try to write about something that you are familiar with. The characters and the situations that you create should illustrate some aspect of the human condition. Think about how you can put the protagonist of your story in a situation where they (or the readers) come to understand something new about themselves or about the world.

Think about the point of view that you want to adopt to tell this story. Will it be told in the first-person, second-person, or third-person perspective, or stream of consciousness? Choose a narrative voice that makes sense for the story and use it consistently.

Focus on an incident or a crisis that the protagonist faces, show them navigating this crisis, and arriving to a place that is different from the beginning of the story. 

Think about an image (or several) that illustrates the main idea and incorporate that image in your story. 

Post your short story in the Discussion Forum for the Creative Assignment. Start a thread with the name of your short story, and your own name (e.g. “Snow Dreams” by Maryam Smith).

Grading criteria

The short story explores a conflict

The short story is focused on the theme chosen 

The story has a compelling beginning and ending

Originality in approaching the topic (theme)

Compelling imagery/ language/ narrative structure

Original details/ point of view 

Clarity of expression

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