Submit Topic and conduct initial Literature Search for Issue Brief Choose Topic and Conduct initial Literature Search Pick one topic from any of the areas below or suggest own topic • demographics, e.g., race/ethnicity, youth, older adults, immigrants • co-morbidities, e.g., diabetes, tobacco users, mental health, heart disease • situations, e.g., pollution, malnutrition, impact quarantine Use Medline, CINAHL, PsycINFO Library Database and limit to Peer Reviewed, full text and most recent

Paper Stage I (Assignment 2): Submit Topic and conduct initial Literature Search for Issue Brief Choose Topic and Conduct initial Literature Search Pick one topic from any of the areas below or suggest own topic • demographics, e.g., race/ethnicity, youth, older adults, immigrants • co-morbidities, e.g., diabetes, tobacco users, mental health, heart disease • situations, e.g., pollution, malnutrition, impact quarantine Use Medline, CINAHL, PsycINFO Library Database and limit to Peer Reviewed, full text and most recent • Search terms: covid, covid-19 or coronavirus or 2019-ncov or sars-cov-2 or cov-19 AND chosen yopic • Search through list of results and find and download pdfs of 3-5 sources to use in final paper In a document upload Stage I with: Title (COVID and ___ ), then formatted reference list in APA format • Under each reference write 3-4 sentences/bullet points of the facts or ideas from the article to include in final paper (Do NOT copy/paste from the article abstract). • Upload pdfs of articles to verify references Paper Stage II (Assignment 5): Paper Outline/Rough draft Include other citations as needed to support arguments with reference list at end • Overview of COVID, define, Identify signs & symptoms (WHO website) o • Introduce COVID as an urgent health problem o CDC National Mortality and Morbidity rates from MMWR (citation); posted here o • Introduce topic of paper, COVID and (chosen topic) then present “chunks” of information such as o Mortality and Morbidity rates for this group (if known, if not say so) o Known physical (and mental) health issues complications from COVID and specific concerns for this in this group o Any other known issues such as co-factors, syndemics, treatment concerns, vaccine beliefs, etc. • Conclusion “chunks” o Summarize major point or finding of paper o Suggested policy recommendations based on information presented in paper Final Paper (Due Class 11): 1000 -1500 Words (minimum 4 pages, maximum 6) not including title page • Standard formatting: Double spaced typed in 12-point Times or MS office default Calibri • 3-5 peer reviewed references minimum • Citations from other reputable sources • APA formatted reference section at end including all citied works • Grading: o Format, grammar and spelling, 10 points o Proper use of References and properly formatted reference section at end, 10 point

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