Homework #6 – Option Pricing Exercise

You will work on this assignment in groups of up to four people. Make sure the
names of all group members are on the document you submit and registered on
Canvas, otherwise credit cannot be given. This is a graded exercise, and all groups
must work independently of each other. We will discuss the results during class on
Monday 12/4, so assignments submitted after class will not be accepted.
By 6:00 pm Sunday 12/3 you must submit on Canvas your answers to the
following questions…

  1. The prices of the individual options comprising the call spread described below.
  2. The midmarket “breakeven” price of the call spread.
  3. Given the midmarket “breakeven” price you calculated in question (1) above,
    what will be your offered price to the client? Explain your reasoning.
  4. The notional amount of the 1.625% of 3/3/2026 you need initially to hedge your
    bank’s position in the call spread, assuming you can transact your hedge at the
    5:00 pm price on Thursday March 3rd. Do you need to buy or sell bonds to
  5. What happens to your risk exposure if yields move up a lot?
    Explain your reasoning for all answers and be sure to clearly state your units in
    all numerical answers. You may submit supporting documents and/or spreadsheets
    for your answers to the questions above, but please present your answers to the
    first four questions in this format…
    Midmarket price for 180 bp strike ($)
    Midmarket price for 200 bp strike ($)
    Midmarket price for the call spread ($)
    Offered price for the call spread ($)
    Initial hedge
    Buy or sell?
    Notional amount?
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    The assignment:
    Pretend that you are in the first few days of March 2016. At 8:30 am on Friday
    March 4, 2016, the Bureau of Labor Statistics will release the February Jobs Report.
    Arguably this is the most important economic statistic that is released each month.
    (Don’t bother to research this past announcement, as our February 2016 Jobs Report
    and the subsequent market actions are fabricated and do not correspond to actual
    historical events!)
    Assume that it is 5:00 pm on Thursday March 3rd, 2016, the day before the release of
    the February Jobs Report, and the yield on a ten-year Treasury note (a hypothetical
    bond that is on coupon dates so that you can ignore accrued interest), the 1.625% of
    3/3/2026, is 1.80%.
    Your bank’s syndicate desk has been working with a client on a new ten-year bond
    issue that will be brought to market sometime next week. The treasurer of the
    company is concerned that rates will rise before the bonds are issued and wishes to
    hedge this risk.
    The treasurer of the company asks your bank to offer a call spread on the yield of
    the Treasury note above. You will be in competition with other banks, so your offer
    must be competitive as well as profitable. The call spread has the following
  • Underlying variable: the yield of the 1.625% of 3/3/2026
  • Expiration: one day (i.e., 5:00 pm Friday March 4th)
  • Strike 1: customer buys a call on the yield struck at 1.80%
  • Strike 2: customer sells a call on the yield struck at 2.00%
  • Notional amount: $100 million of the underlying ten-year Treasury note
  • The contract specifies cash settlement of the call spread using a fixed DV01 of
    0.09034 (the DV01 of the underlying Treasury note at the spot yield of
    We will start the class discussion with your pricing of the call spread and your
    calculation of the hedge. We then will reveal the February Jobs Report and the
    subsequent market reaction (not the actual report or market reaction) and discuss
    changes in the price and risk of the call spread based on the market move.
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    Background to the current economic climate:
    The Fed has been keeping short-term rates close to zero since the economic crisis of
  1. In December 2015, for the first time, they raised short-term rates 25bp. It was
    generally believed at the time that the Fed would be raising rates over most of 2016.
    However, at the beginning of the year, triggered by devaluation in China, equity
    markets have been skittish and are lower across the globe by 10-20%. This has the
    Fed temporarily on hold, and at their last meeting of January 27th they did not raise
    rates. Some are even calling for the Fed to lower rates back to zero, but most are
    saying that the Fed should hold off on raising rates again until markets stabilize
    March 3rd, 2016, 5pm closing interest rates:
    Money Market Rates On-the-run Treasuries
    Fed Funds 0.32 2-year Note 0.88
    Overnight Repo 0.30 5-year Note 1.40
    1-month T Bills 0.25 10-year Note 1.80
    3-month T Bills 0.29 30-year Bond 2.66
    1-year T Bills 0.65
    Historical daily changes in the CMT10 (constant maturity ten-year Treasury yield)
    from February 2015 to February 2016 exhibit the following:
  • The largest one-day upward movement in rates was 24.6 bp
  • The largest one-day downward movement in rates was -25.9 bp
  • The mean one-day change in rates was 1 bp
  • The standard deviation of one-day changes in rates was 4.8bp (or 76.8 bp
    annualized using 256 days)
  • The one-day standard deviation of daily returns was 2.5% (or 40.0%
    annualized using 256 days)
    Short-dated options on ten-year Treasury bonds have been trading in the market
    with a 4-vega bid-offer spread in volatility.
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    Graph of the CMT10 yields over the last year:
    Table of the last twelve employment-day returns:
    Employment Date
    raw yield
    percent yield
    Friday, March 6, 2015 2.247 0.133 0.0610
    Friday, April 3, 2015 1.848 -0.075 -0.0398
    Friday, May 8, 2015 2.161 -0.026 -0.0120
    Friday, June 5, 2015 2.407 0.246 0.1078
    Friday, July 10, 2015 2.415 0.008 0.0033
    Friday, August 7, 2015 2.188 -0.227 -0.0987
    Friday, September 4, 2015 2.134 -0.053 -0.0245
    Friday, October 9, 2015 2.114 -0.02 -0.0094
    Friday, November 6, 2015 2.346 0.232 0.1041
    Friday, December 4, 2015 2.272 -0.074 -0.0321
    Friday, January 8, 2016 2.121 -0.151 -0.0688
    Friday, February 5, 2016 1.862 -0.259 -0.1302
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    The recent US employment situation has been somewhat strong. The last
    employment report was not as strong as originally anticipated. Highlights of the last
    ten employment reports:
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    The current consensus for Friday’s employment report by Wall Street economists as
    reported by Bloomberg:
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