What do you think about “prosperity theology?” Are people who follow God always blessed with wealth and health? How do you think those who follow God are blessed by Him?

1. To me Habakkuk 3:17-19 is one of the greatest passages in the Bible about faith. Basically, Habakkuk says that God does not have to reward him or pay him for having faith in Him. If things go great, that’s good. If things go terribly, that’s okay too – unpleasant but okay. Habakkuk will have faith in, worship, and serve God no matter what is happening in his life. Lots of television preachers talk about how God will bless people materially if they follow Him and, of course, give to their ministry program. That is called “prosperity theology.” We give to God and God is obligated to give to us, especially with material blessings like wealth and health. What do you think about “prosperity theology?” Are people who follow God always blessed with wealth and health? How do you think those who follow God are blessed by Him?

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