conduct research about use of television, NEW media and academic performance among undergraduate students using SPSS IBM

Learning Goal: I’m working on a communications test / quiz prep and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.

Survey Paper AT LEAST 15 PAGES (Individually/Pairs) (150 pts.) (100 pts. paper + 50 pts. presentation)

For your last paper, please expand upon your previous findings from previous assignments by conducting quantitative survey research on your phenomenon of choice. For this assignment, you have the option of partnering up with someone with a shared interest in a particular topic area.

1. Find examples from academic journal articles of other surveys conducted in your phenomenon of choice. Let these articles guide the survey and population selection for your research.

2. Conduct your own research on a sample of at least 50 participants. (students may be the easiest group to survey; however, you may use any population that pertains to your topic of interest).

3. Conduct the appropriate statistical analysis for your research question/hypotheses and provide the appropriate tables/results (formatted according to APA style) from SPSS within your paper.

Your write-up should include the following:

1. Introduction:

– Introduces the phenomenon you are exploring

– Discusses purpose of research

– Identifies research questions/Hypotheses

2. Background:

– Find 10 articles (at least 5 should be academic journal articles).

– Information should be organized according to topic areas (and NOT by journal article).

– The final paragraph of the background section should: 1. Summarize the important information; 2. Discuss how this information informs your analysis.


3. Methods:

– Participants- describe who you surveyed and how this population was chosen.

– Procedure- describe where, when, and how you conducted the surveys.

– Measures- describe the types of questions asked in the survey.

4. Results:

– Discuss the results of your statistical analysis. Do they support or not support your hypotheses?

5. Discussion:

  • Recap the phenomenon and research questions/hypotheses.
  • Discuss the implications of your findings.
  • Connect your findings back to previous studies/literature/theory. (Does it corroborate with previous studies/literature/theory?).
  • Limitations and Future Work:
    • Discuss any limitation of your method. For example, if you only surveyed college students.
    • Discuss what you might look at in the future based on your findings and limitations.
  • You will make a class presentation of your findings. Presentations are 5-7 minutes and provide an overview of each section of your paper with a focus on your results and discussion. A visual aid is highly recommended.
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