Post-Analysis Instructions

Assignment | Post-Analysis Instructions

Students will write and submit a 750-1250-word essay in which you reflect upon and evaluate your pre-analysis essay, expand and (possibly) amend your views (this time including/citing scholarly sources).

As before, you will describe in your own words:

(1a) what is culture and (1b) what is the link between culture and people? This time, you will have to cite relevant sources to substantiate your views.

(2) How has the study of cultural factors, including personal and cultural values, beliefs, behavioral norms, and self-construals shaped people’s worldviews and affect perspectives on cultural diversity? Again, your responses and explanations should cite resources that have shaped your understanding.

(3) How have cultural factors (reflect on each) interacted to shape you and your own societal perspectives?

(4) How have these cultural factors shaped perspectives of people from different national cultures on the psychological principle you identified you’d like to know more about (in your pre-analysis). For example, a student oriented toward child developmental psychology might be interested in understanding implications of immigrant parents’ acculturation process on children’s well-being might study the role of personal and cultural values and beliefs on immigrants’ acculturation and their children’s academic achievements. This topic could lend itself well to UNSDG (see below) 10.7 regarding responsible migration through well-managed migration policies. If you have come to realize that you are interested more in a different psychological topic, you are welcome to address it too. Here too, you’ll need to cite sources.

Students will be graded on content and professionalism. All the points presented above for grading of pre-analysis, apply for post-analysis grading with an additional point. I am also looking for breadth and depth as demonstrated in both their self-reflection and integration of literature found in peer reviewed journals. The post-analysis is an opportunity to demonstrate mastery of course material. (See grading rubric in your syllabus).

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