Discuss why accounting information is so important to managing a business. What benefits does an accounting information system provide to stakeholders?

  1. Accounting
  • Discuss why accounting information is so important to managing a business. What benefits does an accounting information system provide to stakeholders?
  • Response to Chad

Part 1: Hi, I’m Chad Johnson. I am a 39 year old father of 2 (girls), ages 7 and 8 (who def run the show). My wife and I both work for Astroturf in Dalton, GA. I am a logistics coordinator that arranges the shipment of infill freight for all the football, baseball, etc. fields that we install. I hope to finish my degree, and start an industrial sales company within the next year.

Accounting is an important tool because it reveals the health of the company. Assets, debt, cash-on-hand, etc. can all be tracked through it’s use. Without it, a company may accrue more debt than it’s able to handle, or vice versa, may not use it’s capital to it’s full potential. Accounting information systems can provide foresight for a company’s current and future goals, as well as an evaluation of previous actions within the company. Stakeholders review this information to make sure their investments are being properly managed. 

  1. Intro to Business
  • Which of the core competencies of business discussed in this unit interests you the most and why?
  • Respond to Tony

My name is Tony, I am from Southeastern Kentucky. I am currently serving in the Kentucky National Guard, where I also work full-time. I have worked full time for the National Guard for 16 of my 19 years of service, with numerous positions and roles. I am now working in an HR role. My future goals, following my retirement from the military, are to open a small town craft beer brewery, that I can hopefully one day turn over to my children.

When speaking about core competencies of business, I am most intrigued by strategic management. I believe that strategic management is the tip of an umbrella. No shade to be thrown at any of the core competencies, they are all very important. However, with proper strategic management to ignite and drive a business, it will allow all other competencies to operate effectively and properly, even very early into the planning phase of a future business. 

  1. Critical Thinking
  • Chapter 1 of our textbook explains the difference between an argument and an assertion. Give your own example of an assertion. Our textbook author states that assertions do “…little other than impart information.” Why do you think assertions should be true? In other words, why does truth matter?
  • Response to Samuel

Hello all, my name is Samuel Oliveto, I am in Morgantown, WV. I am a paramedic and firefighter with a fairly large career file. I have been blessed with opportunities and have served in many different capacities. I am working on my bachelor’s degree in emergency services administration and have recently started doing consulting work. My long-term goal is to grow my own business that focuses on consulting services and first responder mental health. I work with coaching groups and have a bi-weekly podcast that covers frontline workers stories and burnout.

Assertions should be based on factual information in order to form a proper argument. In my opinion, if you are using an assertion that is based on falsehoods or opinions only, you lose integrity and will eventually lose any argument. Truth should be part of your character, and no one wants to be the person that is labeled as pushing a false agenda, pushing false information, or just labeled a liar.

  1. Gen Psychology
  • Researchers try to use a sample of the population that is truly representative of the people in whom they are interested—one of the main reasons for using random selection. Even so, the sample is usually selected from within a particular segment of the social world in which the researchers themselves live and work.

For example, in the United States there are some fairly distinct differences between people from the Northeast and people from the Southeast, and the same can be true in many other countries. There are also differences between large city populations and populations living in the countryside.

If a psychologist is conducting a study in a particular geographical area of a country, how might regional differences impact the study’s results? What measures could or should the psychologist take to minimize the impact?

  • Response to Eugene

My name is Eugene Andrews, and I am a Paramedic/Training Coordinator and Communication Officer for a rural EMS Service in Georgia. I reside in Warrenton, Georgia, and work for Warren County and Hancock County Emergency Medical Services. I have been working in EMS for approximately ten years, and my short-term goal is to obtain a bachelor’s degree in emergency medical services. My long-term goal is to secure an Emergency Medical Services or Training Director position.

Part 2: In my opinion, I believe regional differences can have a tremendous impact on survey results. Regional differences can include languages, religions, beliefs, and customs. These items can alter a person’s response to the survey. Psychologist can group individual with the same backgrounds/customs together to minimize the effects of regional differences. The psychologist can also group the surveys together and point of the major differences based off customs and way of life. In order to be successful with this survey, the psychologist must study and learn the regionally accepted norms for that particular area.

  1. Principles of accounting I
  • This lesson has suggested that accounting is considered the language of business. Do you agree? Why do you think accounting is the language of business over and above other business functions?
  • Response to Cody

Hey Yall! Im Cody, I am active-duty Air Force working on the special operations aviation side. Originally from Texas but have moved all over. Just recently moved to New Mexico from Las Vegas, definitely prefer Vegas over where I am currently. Finishing my degree in Business Administration and looking to use it as a piece of credibility to a management firm that I am starting with 2 others that I fly with. Look forward to meeting all of yall!

Part 2: I agree with the statement that accounting is the language of business. The accounting function is data driven. A business should make plans and decisions based on the data from accounting. The data provided can lead to expectations of growth for the following fiscal year or projections on business growth. I always think about this show Shark Tank when it comes to accounting where the business owner will try to pitch their business, they may have an awesome personality, vision and message but at the end of the ay the investors are making decisions and calculations on what the numbers the business is producing or projected to produce.

  1. Computer Essentials
  • We all use a computing device whether it is a desktop, a notebook, a tablet, a mobile phone, or some other computing device.

Choose one of your computing devices and discuss why you decided to purchase it. Include a discussion of the research about the device, amount of RAM, CPU power, video graphics, and other functionalities that helped form your purchasing decision. List and discuss five features that you use most often on the device and describe one reason why the device makes life easier for you and one reason it may not.

Your response in at least two full paragraphs.

  • Response to Rachel

Good Morning, my name is Rachel Evans. I am a native of Mobile, Alabama, and a recent Bishop State Community College graduate. I am currently employed at 2 jobs. My primary job is retail and guest service at Target Superstore, and my second is an open-kitchen restaurant at Maple Street Biscuit Company. I decided to pursue a career in I.T. after seeing the future trend in a need for cybersecurity and I.T. specialists in the coming tech boom. Understanding and sharing information has always interested me.

Part II-

When I started college in 2021, I had a basic Chromebook. It had limited features with only 50 gigabytes of storage and a screen that wasn’t always bright enough. In addition, I had to use numerous extensions because of the Chromeware OS software system’s incompatibility. So, I decided to upgrade to an HP Pavilion 360 laptop for its convenience, weight, and storage. The price was currently $300 less than what it would usually cost due to a back-to-school sale.

My HP Pavilion has Windows software that can be used in seconds, can be turned into a tablet, and is easier to store. The RAM works better, and the processor loads my information faster than my old Chromebook. The extra widgets and video recording apps work well, and the camera is much clearer than my old Chromebook. It also has a light that helps me work in darker rooms. Additionally, my HP Pavilion has apps like Adobe, Flash, and Acrobat, which are useful for assignments, PDF documents, and printing files from Microsoft 365 Platform. Although I greatly appreciate my Chromebook, I will say it serves mostly as a cheap entry-level laptop. Not the greatest for intermediate or advanced tech functions.

  1. Corporate Finance
  • Describe why a manager needs to understand the characteristics and importance of financial markets, including their liquidity, competitiveness, and efficiency.
  • Respond to Sonja

Hello all,

I am Sonja Eason. I reside in South GA in the small town of Lyons, GA. I am currently employed at a Community Action agency, Action Pact where I serve as HR Director. I found my purpose in life and that is servanthood. What better way to serve than by helping others and get paid while doing it. IMy future goals are to complete this course with an “A”, complete my Masters Degree next Summer with a High GPA and ultimately start my own HR Consulting Business.

Part II

A manager’s understanding of financial markets, encompassing liquidity, competitiveness, and efficiency, is integral to making informed financial decisions, optimizing resource allocation, managing risks, and aligning the organization’s strategic objectives with prevailing market conditions. This knowledge enhances the manager’s ability to navigate complex financial landscapes and contribute to the overall success and sustainability of the organization.

  1. Health Unit Coordination
  • The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, was a bold step aimed, in part, at lowering the number of uninsured citizens in the United States. What else needs to be done to ensure access to affordable health care for all citizens in the United States?
  • Response to Aisha

Hello, everyone, my name is Aisha. I am an Army veteran of 14 years and have had my share of moving around with my children. I am in San Antonio, Texas, and have only been here a year and a half. I am a Chicago native and miss my hometown more often than not. I am currently working remotely for a bank and loving the freedom of being home with my children when they need me. I hope that everyone has a great semester and happy holidays.

Part II: The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, was a bold step aimed, in part, at lowering the number of uninsured citizens in the United States. What else needs to be done to ensure access to affordable health care for all citizens in the United States?

Addressing the challenge of affordable healthcare for all citizens in the United States requires comprehensive measures. Implementing cost-effective healthcare models, expanding Medicaid, and fostering innovation in healthcare delivery is vital. Policymakers should collaborate on bipartisan solutions to bridge gaps and ensure equitable access to quality healthcare services nationwide.

  1. Budgeting in Healthcare
  • The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was signed into law in 2010. The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation has implemented delivery and payment reforms leading to a ripple effect though the healthcare industry as a whole. Discuss a key area of healthcare reform. Do you agree with the area you chose? Why, or why not?
  • Response to Arthurlyn

My name is Arthurlyn, and I’d want to introduce myself. In Virginia, I currently work as a Patient Access Associate, and my long-term goals are to earn my BA and advance in my current position. Integration of technology is one crucial area of healthcare reform that I believe merits special emphasis. Remote consultations and virtual sessions have improved the patient experience because to advances in technology. Patients can now receive medical advice and treatments from the comfort of their own homes, decreasing the need to visit hospitals and doctor’s offices. In addition, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation has shifted the healthcare system away from a fee-for-service paradigm and toward one that promotes value-based treatment, resulting in better patient outcomes. I agree in this area. The bundle payment model is the one with which I most strongly agree. This bundle payment model is a single payment for all services provided to patients. This, I feel, has had a positive impact on patient care. The ACA has played a significant role in promoting healthcare delivery and payment changes; it shifts the focus from volume to value, improves coordination, and achieves improved patient outcomes.

  1. Project Stakeholders
  • Respond to the question: What is your definition of stakeholder? Discuss your definition as compared to your class members.
  • Respond to Angela

My name is Angela Bolin and I am located in Palm Beach County, FL. I am currently employed as the Budget Analyst with a Government Entity within Palm Beach County. My future goals are to continue to advance with my employer (I started here 8 years ago as a Customer Information Representative, then 5 years ago was promoted as Engineering Services Specialist, and now…. new promotion as Budget Analyst). I have 2 more classes left until I graduate, which will then award me with a 7% raise at my job. I also am working on my CGFO certification (Certified Government Financial Officer) which will also award me with another 7% increase. In the long-run, my goal is to keep climbing the ladder to earn as much as possible for a beautiful retirement!

Part II: My definition of stakeholder: A person or group or organization with interest in decisions or activities in a company or organization. These stakeholders can have affect or be affected by the operation’s performance. Examples of stakeholders are: investors, employees, customers, communities, government, etc…

As there are no other initial posts from classmates yet, another aspect of the unit topic: Stakeholder identification (and analysis) must occur at the beginning of a project. Properly identifying the stakeholders allows for preparation in possible unfavorable opinions, resistance, criticism, all which could delay operations of a project. Placing these stakeholder in categories such as internal and external, and then further categorizing them in the levels of interest and power will assist the project team in prioritizing the higher powered and higher interest stakeholders with the hopes of a smooth setting in motion of the project, while not forgetting about the lower interest and lower powered stakeholders, as communication and engagement with all stakeholders is important.

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