Record a reflective journal video about your understanding of your self-assessment results. Note that you will be reviewing your results again in more depth for Milestone One as part of the course scenario. In this reflective journal, you are not required to use sources; however, you can emphasize and support your thinking by referring to your results in terms of the Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership, as described in the Leadership Challenge e-book. In your submission, address the following:


A useful tool for gauging your effectiveness in a role, particularly a leadership role, is a self-assessment. In Module One, you’ve learned about the importance of leadership within an organization. For this assignment, you will first complete the Kouzes and Posner LPI Self-Assessment, (which is located on the Course-Wide Resources page of your WileyPlus learning resource Leadership Challenge. To complete the self-assessment, follow the steps provided in Getting Started With Your LPI Self-Assessment. Once you complete the self-assessment, you will reflect on your results and share them with your instructor through a video submission. This video journal is a private conversation between you and your instructor, and you are encouraged to deeply explore the concepts presented.


Record a reflective journal video about your understanding of your self-assessment results. Note that you will be reviewing your results again in more depth for Milestone One as part of the course scenario. In this reflective journal, you are not required to use sources; however, you can emphasize and support your thinking by referring to your results in terms of the Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership, as described in the Leadership Challenge e-book. In your submission, address the following:

  1. Purpose: Explain how self-assessment tools, such as this one, are useful to you in your leadership development. Provide rationale.
  2. Impact: Explain what parts of your results were the most impactful. Provide rationale.
  3. Application: Explain how you could apply the results of your assessment to your current or intended industry or career. Provide rationale.

What to Submit

Using Bongo, record a video that is 2 to 3 minutes long. 

If you are not able to record a video, submit this assignment in an alternate format, such as a 1-page Word document or a 1-slide PowerPoint presentation

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