Carbon Footprint Project

Grading: 1 of 5 projects going toward your Project Grade which is 30% of your total grade for the course; 65 points possible for this project.

It is important to understand your impact on your environment through your daily activities. Hopefully, this project will help you become aware of the amount of CO2 that you produce in your daily activities. Also, you will gain an understanding of how specific sectors of society impact the environment.

  • You will work in a group of 4 for this project and you will track your own individual carbon footprint.
  • You and your group will be giving a PowerPoint presentation in the class Discussion Board, all group members must participate in the presentation (aka give part of the presentation).
  • Each group will be assigned a source of carbon pollution to research, there will be no repeats of a topic or changes of topic without approval from the instructor. Changing the topic without approval will result in a decrease in the grade by 32.5 points.
  • You will track your own individual carbon footprint and you will turn in an individual (everyone writes their own) reflection paper discussing your individual carbon footprint.
  • You will also submit a brief peer review of each of your teammates.
  • You will need to arrange time to meet with your group and collaborate using online tools (ie. Blackboard Collaborate, Google Hangouts, Google Drive, etc.)
  • All materials including the PowerPoint will be submitted online through eCampus. All students will upload their group PowerPoint in eCampus along with the Peer Review and the Individual Carbon Footprint Reflection Paper in the link provided.

Group Topics (1 per group no duplicates, no substitutions)

  1. Travel footprint (airplanes, hotels etc.)
  2. Commuting footprint (vehicles, bicycles, public transport etc.)
  3. Home footprint (electricity and other fuel usage for home)
  4. Food footprint (what types of food have high vs low carbon footprints, etc.)
  5. Waste footprint (trash vs recycling, food waste, etc.)
  6. Shopping footprint (types of products with high vs low carbon footprints, what is the effect of our consumer society)

Components/ Rubric Presentation (32.5 points)

  1. Power Point is well done with no distracting grammatical errors, attractive pictures/videos etc., and easily readable and enjoyable to watch (6.5 points)
  2. Background information on the carbon source is provided including (9.75 points Total):
  • Where does the carbon this activity releases come from (1.75 pts)
  • How is it being released (1.75 pts)
  • How much carbon is released each year from this activity in the US vs worldwide (1.5 pts)
  • What effect does this carbon have on our climate (1.5 pts)
  • What affect does this carbon have on ecosystems and which ecosystem is affected the most (1.5 pts)
  • Why should we care about these effects? How does this effect our daily lives? (1.75 pts)
  1. Plan of action to reduce carbon footprint of this activity (6.5 points):
  • What small steps can you do daily to reduce the amount of carbon released from this activity? (2.6 pts)
  • How can we reduce the amount of carbon released on a national scale? (2.6pts)
  • How much can we reduce the carbon released by the plans of action above? (1.3 pts)
  1. Description of group members individual carbon footprint (9.75 points):
  • Overview of each member’s initial carbon footprint (3.25 pts)
  • Description of their individual plan to reduce their footprint (must include at least one action item related to the group’s carbon pollution topic). (3.25 pts)
  • Results of each member’s action plan, how successful was your group in reducing their carbon footprint. (3.25 pts)

Team Contract (3.25 points)
Each group will submit a team contract into their group folder. Instructions for the group contract can be found in a link in eCampus: Lab Experiments & Projects -> Projects -> Carbon Footprint project folder -> Step 2: Team Contract.
Peer Review (3.25 points)
Each member of the team will submit a 2-3 sentence description of each partner’s participation and rank each partner on a scale of 1-10. This will be done individually and will not be shown to any other group members. Submit this online in eCampus with your individual reflection paper.Individual Carbon Footprint plan and reflection Paper (22.75 points)

Each member will submit a paper (1-2 pages single spaced) discussing their initial carbon footprint, their individual plan to reduce their footprint and the results of them implementing the plan. (19.5 points) The paper will also include a reflection on what they learned in this lab and how they will apply it in the future (3.25points). Use the following two websites to determine your carbon footprint: and Cited (3.25 points)

♦ MLA format; 4 or more sources (these can be written on the last slide of your presentation, be sure to cite any sites where you pull pictures from)

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