Purpose: For this assignment, you’ll choose one of the topics below to help you make an argument about Sundiata and Popul Vuh. You will then write a 1500-2500-word essay arguing for and supporting your conclusions. This assignment will build your writing and analytical skills. 


Purpose: For this assignment, you’ll choose one of the topics below to help you make an argument about Sundiata and Popul Vuh. You will then write a 1500-2500-word essay arguing for and supporting your conclusions. This assignment will build your writing and analytical skills. 

We encourage you to use the material in the course to further develop your own original interpretations and arguments; researching other secondary sources is not required for this assignment, and plagiarism of other sources will not be tolerated. Be sure to cite any secondary research that you do for this assignment using MLA citations.

Topic #2:  Both Sundiata and Popul Vuh deal centrally with a heroic quest. Unit 1’s introduction to the Five Great Themes of World Literature states with regard to the hero:  “The surest way to understand what a culture of the past most values is to focus on what it considers heroic, in that a culture recognizes its heroes as embodying its most important ideas, the values that are essential.”  Discuss what forces Sundiata and the Hero Twins Hunahpu and Xbalanque have to overcome and how they go about doing it. For Sundiata your essay will probably focus on Sundiata’s historical destiny; in Popul Vuh, the Twins’ quest will have a more mythic quality, but you probably will focus on the meaning for the Mayan culture of the mythic events. Regardless, be sure to discuss the texts in relation to one another, and craft an argument about the similarities and differences in their presentation of their heroic quests. 

Second, write an essay presenting your argument. Include quotations from the texts as well as additional details that illustrate and enhance the points you are making.  Use the following as an outline of what to include:

Explain the general topic and relevant themes (e.g. heroes, women) and any relevant terms for that topic (suggested 1-2 paragraphs).

Apply that topic to both Sundiata and to Popul Vuh (suggested 4-6 paragraphs).  Give specific examples and quotes from the texts to support your analyses.  Use in-text citations for the quotations.

Compare and contrast the texts; it’s up to you whether you organize your essay around this (i.e. spend half comparing them, then half contrasting them) or talk about each of them individually, then mention similarities and differences. 

Your final page should be your Works Cited page, in MLA format. It should include the literary texts, as well as any content pages from the course material to which you may have referred and any secondary sources you used. Do not plagiarize

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