The purpose of this assignment is to select one major case in environmental justice/environmental ethics and report on it using a video introduction and narrated presentation of case.


the purpose of this assignment is to select one major case in environmental justice/environmental ethics and report on it using a video introduction and narrated presentation of case.


There have been many cases highlighting environmental justice throughout history. Specifically, events related to environmental justice examine not only the environmental issue at hand, but also the impact that the environmental issue has on the community and those affected by the environmental tragedies.

For the end of course project, students are asked to examine one case of environmental justice (or environmental injustice) and report on the details of that event. Specifically the event or case examined needs to fit the broad definition of environmental justice or be related to environmental justice.

By definition, environmental justice is “the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people regardless of race, color, national origin, or income, with respect to the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies”.

The end of semester project should include the examination of a chosen case or event that not only impacted the environment, but also was considered an issue of environmental justice/ injustice.



First, you will be using a resource called the Environmental Justice Atlas to complete the semester project.  You should:

  1. 1.  Go to and read the background information about the EJ Atlas and the information it makes available to the public.2.  Using this map, students will select an “event” to use as the focus of your project. Events are noted as colored dots on the world map. Different colors note different types of events.
  2. 3.  Once a location and event are selected, click on the dot to open a summary box.4.  Click “see more” to open up the panel on the website and read about the event.

Second, you will complete a video of the tasks outlined below based on the event information selected above.

Your final project should be a 5-7 minute video that is broken into these parts:


  1. Introduction – An introduction to the project providinga) a short personal introduction. b) and the rationale for the environmental justice case chosen. 
  2. Summary – A summary of the details of the environmental justice case. Pay attention to the description, project details and actors, impacts and outcome information on the website to gather information for this section. You may present this portion of the video without written assistance or graphics, but feel free to also prepare a PowerPoint presentation or other type of presentation to be used along with the video.
  3. Lessons Learned – Students will present a “lessons learned” portion of the presentation where you explain in your own words and from your perspective the impact that your chosen case had/has on the current climate of environmental justice.  Use the following questions to guide this portion of the video:
    • Why is the event/conflict important?
    • What should be the “take away” or the lesson learned from this conflict/event to better promote environmental justice?
    • What is either something you learned from researching this topic or information that surprised you from your research on this topic?
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