In this course you will submit a reflection that asks you to provide insights and skills that you gained in this course. To prepare for this assignment, please review the learning materials, writing assignments, the Marketable Skills Information and Chart provided below and the Marketable Skills at Dallas College thread in Brightspace. Please note that the Reflection is a required assignment. 

History Reflection

Directions: In this course you will submit a reflection that asks you to provide insights and skills that you gained in this course. To prepare for this assignment, please review the learning materials, writing assignments, the Marketable Skills Information and Chart provided below and the Marketable Skills at Dallas College thread in Brightspace. Please note that the Reflection is a required assignment. The surveys and assignments located in the Marketable Skills at Dallas College thread are for additional credit.

Reflection Minimum Requirements:

  • 3-5 pages (Typed and doubled space essay)
  • Two academic references are required. The textbook is required.
  • Citation format must include MLA or APA format.
  • Your reflection must include an Introduction, Body, and Conclusion.

Resources Students will need to Consult:

  • Marketable Skills Information and Chart (Provided in this packet)
  • Marketable Skills at Dallas College (Brightspace thread)
  • Course Learning Materials


Introduction: An introduction tells the reader what reflection is about. An introduction is usually a paragraph of 3-5 sentences. Review the Marketable Skills at Dallas College thread and Marketable Skills Information and Chart. For this introduction, answer the following questions in your reflection: 

  • Which two skills did you use the most in this class? How did you use these skills in this class?
  • What skills have you used in other classes? (Either current or past courses) Please explain how you used this skill.
  • Which skills have you used either in your job, personal life, or in your community?

Body Part I: The next section of your reflection is the body. Review Personal Responsibility on the Marketable Skills Chart. For the body, answer the following questions in your reflection:

  • Please share examples from an historical event that was shared in this course that involved an issue. What was the issue? What were the actions taken on the issue?
  • Were there any consequences to this issue? Do you agree with the decision that was made? Please explain.
  • Please share examples from an historical event that was shared in this course where two sides of an ethical choice were made.

Body Part II: The next section of your reflection is the body. Review Social Responsibility on the Marketable Skills Chart and the Marketable Skills at Dallas College thread and answer the following questions in your reflection:

  • What insights did you gain about other cultures in this course? Please provide specific examples about at least two cultures.
  • What do you think civic responsibility and engagement means?
  • Please share examples from either in this course or from your personal experience of how one can become engaged in civic engagement and community activities.
  • Review Marketable Skills at Dallas College thread. Did you complete the surveys and assessments? Identify at least 3 insights that you gained from the Marketable Skills at Dallas College modules that you learned in this course.

Conclusion: The last section of your reflection is the conclusion. In the conclusion, answer the following questions in your reflection

  • What did you learn about yourself in this course? 
  • How did you engage with other students in this course? Provide examples.
  • Which Dallas College Resources or tools did you use to help you in this course?


Grading Rubric

Criterion(Score 0 if element is absent)Below Expectations(1-39)Meets Expectations(40-44)Exceeds Expectations(45-50)Score
ContentResponses provide little understanding of the textbook reading. Student does not meet the minimum requirements.Responses provide some understanding of the reading, but the responses need more elaboration on the response. The student responds to most of the questions accurately. Student provides some insights from the reading, but also expands on the insights using personal insights gained from the reading.Responses provide a clear, concise response to the question. Student exceeds requirements. The student responds to all of the questions accurately. Student provides thorough insights from the reading, but also expands on the insights using personal insights gained from the reading.
ReferencesAssertions based on personal opinion only or is plagiarized from another resource and/or the cited work does not actually support the assertion made in the assignment and/or is described inaccurately. Textbook citation is not provided.Assertions are supported with appropriate evidence. Textbook reference is provided.Student uses historical information from the textbook to support information in responses. Assertions supported with evidence. Textbook reference is provided.
Grammar and SpellingThere are multiple grammar and spelling errors found. More than 3-10.There are a few grammar and spelling errors found. Fewer than 3. However, the student has completed the response with content requirements met.There are no grammar and spelling errors found.
TimeWork is submitted late. Late Policy per syllabus-A 10% deduction will be added to an assignment that is submitted after the due date. 10% for each day late.Work is submitted on timeWork is submitted on time

Marketable Skills Information and Chart

Dallas College: 2023-2024 Catalog – Marketable Skills ( are Marketable Skills?

Often referred to as employability skills or transferable skills, marketable skills include interpersonal, cognitive, and applied skill areas that are

  • primary or complementary to a major
  • intended to help students market themselves to employers

Marketable Skills are essential for Dallas College students because:

  • They are the skills that enable students to find a job.
  • They fulfill the third goal of 60x30Texas: By 2030, all graduates from Texas public institutions of higher education will have completed programs with identified marketable skills.
  • They are skills that students often have trouble extrapolating from their coursework.

Dallas College Marketable Skills are interwoven in the Core Objectives

Students learn and practice marketable skills as they accomplish the Core Objectives. Therefore, students should understand that as they progress through the Core, their courses are offering them opportunities to refine the following skills:

Critical ThinkingCommunicationTeamworkPersonal ResponsibilitySocial ResponsibilityEmpirical Quantitative
Analyze IssuesClearly and effectively articulate complex issues/ideas in written formAccept responsibility for role of a team/Fulfill team expectationsAccept responsibilityDemonstrate awareness of community issuesCommunicate results using tables, charts, graphs
Anticipate problems, solutions, and consequencesClearly and effectively articulate ideas orallyFoster collaboration with colleagues; manage group conflictsDemonstrate ethical behaviorDemonstrate awareness of global issuesContextualize numeric information/data
Apply knowledge to make decisionsFacilitate discussionMake collaborative decisionsExhibit Time ManagementDemonstrate empathyDemonstrate logical thinking
Detect patterns/themes/
underlying principles
Summarize informationProvide and/or receive useful feedbackLearn and grow from mistakesDevelop civic responsibilityDesign an experiment or model
Gather proper resources and information to conduct researchUse active listening and interviewing skillsWelcome diverse viewpointsShow attention to detailLearn from diverse cultures, races, genders, religions, etc.Draw inferences from data, use data to formulate conclusions
Interpret data and synthesize informationuse proper technical writing skillsShow respect for othersUnderstand cultural normsUse appropriate calculations to solve problems

History Reflection Example

StudentName: Mr. JohnDoeAssignment: Reflection Course: HIST Section Number: Term: Fall 2023

Instructor:Dr.Ambronita Douzart

In this course I have gained several skills to help me remain successful as I continue my academic journey and my career. Two of the skills that I used the most in this class were communication and critical thinking. I used communication to participate and engage with others in the classroom discussions. During this class, we participated in class discussions with other students where I actively responded to my classmates’ posts and responded to my instructor. I also used critical thinking when reading and gathering information for writing assignments in this course. Along with the textbook, I had to gather resources and information to assist me with providing accurate information in my responses. I used critical thinking when reading the course learning materials to help me understand various viewpoints and perspectives. I have also used communication and critical thinking in other classes. For example, in my speech class, I had to write and conduct an oral speech. This allowed me to work on how to articulate my ideas clearly and effectively. In this class, I also used empirical quantitative skills in my papers. I used data and research in my papers to help me to formulate my arguments and conclusions and in preparation for speech debates. One of the skills that I have used in my job is teamwork. I have to work with other employees to assist customers to assist them. I have to collaborate often with my colleagues and manager to manage group conflicts or customer concerns on my job.

One of the historical events that we studied in this course was the issue of slavery. There were some actions taken including the passage of the 13th amendment which abolished slavery after the Civil War. I agree with the 13th amendment. There was another historical event that involved women’s rights. There were two sides to this issue where some were in opposition and some were in proposal. One of the examples that I can give is where you have the movement that involved women’s rights where specific individuals met to try to secure them. There was the Seneca Falls Movement and later the passage of the 19th amendment. There were several key figures that actively participated in these movements.

I have learned about other cultures because of this course. Specifically, I learned about the history of African-Americans and Native Americans. I have gained insights about African Americans and Native Americans and how they worked hard to obtain rights in their community. One of the things that I learned specifically about Native Americans in this course was the plight the Five Civilized Tribes. I was not aware of their origins and how they were impacted by the Indian Removal until I took this course. I also learned that Native Americans continue to endure several issues today in their community. As a result of learning about them, I think that I will pursue more research and become more actively involved by participating in government. I will attend city council meetings or join a local board to learn more about how these and other issues impact cultures.

We discussed the idea of civic and personal responsibility in this course. It is also provided in the syllabus and a learning objective. I think civil responsibility and engagement means simply to be involved in the community. I have read various definitions of this online and created my own definition based upon what I read. For example, some of the examples from this course included people who were involved in the Conservation movement. I remember reading about figures like Gifford Pinchot or Rachel Carson who were engaged in civil engagement and community activities related to these historical events. I think one can become engaged in the community by participating in or volunteering in clean up or recycling efforts. I have seen recycling bins on campus and I use them.

I also completed all of the pre and post surveys, assessments and the modules located in the Marketable Skills thread for Dallas College. I downloaded my results for the surveys and assessments and submitted them to the assignment thread. What I learned from reviewing the modules and the chart provided is that I have various skills that I can use now and later. For instance, I learned how to gather appropriate resources for research in this course. I also learned how to effectively use time management and organization in this course that will be beneficial to me for other courses and once I graduate. Most employers seek to hire employees who practice time management, organization, and effective communication skills. I also learned specifically in this course, I learned about various historical and global issues that impact our country and its history. I also learned from watching the videos about the various pathways that I can use to help me towards my degree and the resources I can use at Dallas College to help me seek the career that I am searching for as I continue to pursue my degree.

Overall, I gained new insights about myself during this course and this semester. I learned that I can engage with other students in this class and I did this in the discussion boards and outside of class. I utilized various resources on campus including the tutoring, writing center, and other student services provided. After taking this course, I will begin setting up appointments with my advisor and I will begin speaking with someone about transfer opportunities early so that I can have assistance before I graduate from Dallas College. I also discovered that Dallas College offers career services that I will take advantage of to assist me with my resume and to help me to secure financial independence. All of these tools and others will be used to assist me with my skills and become successful.

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