CRj-120-80 constitutional law

Learning Goal: I’m working on a criminal justice writing question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.

Professional Development: The incident surrounding George Floyd is a horrible incident. In a 500-word or greater paper conduct your own research on this case and address the following bullet points below. This must be in APA format.

  • Did the jury get the verdict correct?
  • As a future law enforcement officer or future employee of the law enforcement tent, how did this incident make you feel? how did the verdict make you feel?
  • What can be done to ensure incidents like these never happen again?
  • Do you agree with the federal conviction?
  • Finally, picture yourself as one of the officers that were standing around you hear the people saying get off of him, etc. as one of those officers would you have used force to get him off of Mr. Floyd?
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