Compare and contrast the short story ‘A&P’ by John Updike and the novel ‘The Great Gatsby’ by F. Scott Fitzgerald, paying close attention to the themes, symbols, and literary techniques employed by the authors

Compare and contrast the short story ‘A&P’ by John Updike and the novel ‘The Great Gatsby’ by F. Scott Fitzgerald, paying close attention to the themes, symbols, and literary techniques employed by the authors. Utilize the concepts discussed in Chapter 19 of ‘How to Read Literature Like a Professor’ and Chapter 12 of ‘They Say/I Say’ to guide your analysis. In your journal entry, consider the following:

Narrative Voice and Perspective: Compare the narrative voice and perspective in ‘A&P’ and ‘The Great Gatsby.’ How do the choices of the narrators influence the reader’s understanding of the characters and events? Are there moments where the narrators’ viewpoints shape the storytelling?

Symbolism and Imagery: Examine the use of symbols and imagery in both texts. What symbols or recurring motifs appear in each work, and what do they represent? How do these symbols contribute to the thematic depth of the stories?

Characterization: Analyze how Updike and Fitzgerald develop their characters. How do they use language and description to create memorable and multi-dimensional characters? Are there characters in both works who undergo significant development or transformation?

Setting and Atmosphere: Discuss the significance of the settings in ‘A&P’ and ‘The Great Gatsby.’ How do these settings influence the mood and atmosphere of the stories? Are there particular settings that hold symbolic or thematic importance?

Themes and Social Commentary: Explore the themes and social commentary presented in both texts. How do the authors use their narratives to comment on aspects of society, such as class, consumerism, or conformity? Are there common themes or messages between the two works?

Narrative Structure and Style: Consider the narrative structures and writing styles employed by Updike and Fitzgerald. How do these choices impact the pacing and readability of each work? Do the authors use similar or contrasting narrative techniques?

Comparative Analysis: Reflect on the ways in which ‘A&P’ and ‘The Great Gatsby’ differ and converge in their approach to storytelling, symbolism, and themes. Are there specific moments or elements that stand out when comparing these two texts?

Reader Response: Share your personal responses and interpretations of both works. How did your understanding of ‘A&P’ and ‘The Great Gatsby’ deepen through this comparative analysis? Did this exercise reveal any new insights or connections between the texts?

  1. Minimum Word/Page Count: Your journal entry should be a minimum of 500 words, which is approximately 2 pages when double-spaced.

In your journal entry, use specific examples from both ‘A&P’ and ‘The Great Gatsby’ to support your analysis and make connections to the concepts from the assigned chapters in ‘How to Read Literature Like a Professor’ and ‘They Say/I Say.

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