Exercise Log demonstrates complete understanding and execution of the assigned record-keeping task. The exercise names are clearly stated and placed in the proper section (cardio, strength, and flexibility) along with intensity RPE/THR results and time & distance for cardio (sets, reps, and resistance levels for strength and flexibility)

Q.1 Exercise Log demonstrates complete understanding and execution of the assigned record-keeping task. The exercise names are clearly stated and placed in the proper section (cardio, strength, and flexibility) along with intensity RPE/THR results and time & distance for cardio (sets, reps, and resistance levels for strength and flexibility). Comments on how you feel after each workout are original and descriptive. Comments are also error-free, without ambiguity, and read smoothly, creatively, and with a purpose.

Q.2 Now that you’ve had some time to digest most of the class material, it’s time to analyze a current trend in the world of health, athletics and fitness.Dr. Oz and his guest Dr. Michael Mosley give us some insight into intermittent fasting and some possible benefits, but be aware that fasting can also be detrimental for certain individuals. I have personally used various forms of fasting over the years with positive results. However, this assignment is not an endorsement of fasting or a particular fasting program, but rather an exploratory endeavor into fasting pros and cons. Sorry about the advertising (but it’s short). Intermittent Fasting Video Discussion About Videos Review the videos “The human body in numbers” and “Intermittent Fasting”. Share with the class a summary of your thoughts on the videos content. Your thread should be a minimum of 100 words describing what part or parts of the videos you found most interesting (describing or discussing some amazing facts of the Human Anatomy and also your thoughts – pros or cons, on Intermittent Fasting) and/or revealed information you were not aware of. 

Q.3 Cigarette advertising used to be as common as fast-food advertising is today. You would see cigarette and tobacco commercials on TV. Ever noticed that you do not see cigarette commercials on TV? You also will not see commercials for vaping products either. Congress passed the Public Health Cigarette Smoking Act of 1969 to regulate the advertising of tobacco products. The Senate Commerce Committee, on December 5, 1970, voted out a bill banning cigarette commercials from the air as of January 1, 1971. When eCigs first came out they were being advertised on TV but then the FCC stepped in and banned them too.  This was done to protect citizens and discourage tobacco use.

Today, we have a bigger health risk to Americans. Obesity and its related effects are the largest cause of death in the United States.

Does the government have an obligation to regulate fast food advertising? What about the government regulating fast food in general? Should there be intervention from the government?

Is there a better solution to assist Americans to eat healthier? 

( write down in 100 words)

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