Executive Brief

Learning Goal: I’m working on a business writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

assignment description question:

The Executive Brief is your opportunity to summarize your project at a high level in a format that is suitable for any audience. This should be your best individual expression of a high-impact, concise writing style that describes the project, your process and how you added value to the client, and the output. This is your chance to “tell the story” of the consulting project.

Imagine your audience for this brief is a business executive who might hire you upon graduation, oor a future client who is trying to understand how this project might benefit their organization.

With such a broad potential audience you’ll need to help your reader understand your role as a consulting team member and graduate student, the client, and the client challenge you were engaged to solve. Next you can use the consulting funnel, Discovery > Analysis > Adoption, to explain your team’s approach and the actions you took to create value for the client. The brief should also let your reader know the outputs that were created for your client and why those are valuable.

Because this is an individual assignment you have the opportunity to speak directly to your individual role or tasks within the project.

Your challenge, and learning objective for this assignment, is to explain all of this in a concise, two page format, to be submitted here.


in the project the client is “FESASURF” a surfing federartion

we are 6 students who have created strategic plan that could help them improve in many aspects such as ” sponsorship, marketing, and operation”

the document uploaded in the draft of the project proposal to the client

please write an exuctive brief on the project on the my individiual contrubiton to the project and answering the assignemnt question above

my contribution was in all over the project not a specifc role.

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