Article Review

This article review writing assignment will be an evaluation of a feature article (at least 500 words,from the last 12 months, and no more than 1500 words, approx. 6 double-spaced pages) on arelevant topic of the student’s choice related to the curse contents from a reputable magazine oracademic journal (see a tentative list below). Select your article wisely. They should not be supershort or really long. Students can check with the instructor or the TA before choosing the article, ifthere is any concern. Please read the following instructions carefully.The review article will consist of an essay comprised by a summary and critique. The critique willrequire the student tocritically evaluate the article using the material learned in class, which iscrucial to a successful completion of this assignment. Hence, make sure to select an article that youcan both understand and critique. If you have any concerns about the article selection do nothesitate to ask me for help.The very open-ended nature of this final writing assignment is meant to fulfill several objectives.1) Acquaint students with library resources and searching for appropriate academic material.2) Have students practice their comprehension skills and communicate that comprehension in aconcise summary.3) Get students to start thinking critically about theories and arguments covered in the course.4) Compel students to go over the course material to determine which topics are applicable to theiressay and demonstrate an understanding of the course material. 

Instruction and readings:,shlaofkqse4y9vs,9rgw1wo0m323xq5,eg2hunmxscdjby9,5onyvd1he8sylfo/shared

EVALUATION CRITERIAThe assignment will be graded on grammar as well as content. Writing quality matters. You will bemarked on your understanding of your paper and topic. An essential component of this is howwell you communicate your ideas. Formulating a coherent, concise argument takes time, effort andskill. Please, check the resources available to you to help you in this endeavor.The marks will be broken down as follows:Summary: 12 points (40%)Critique: 12 points (40%)Organization and grammar: 6 points (20%) 

Magazine/Academic Journal list:Journal of Economic PerspectivesThe Independent ReviewChallengeKyklosThe Atlantic MonthlyHarper’s MagazineThe New YorkerBusiness WeekThe Utne ReaderMother JonesMonthly ReviewThe New York TimesThe Guardian’Project SyndicateThe Jacobian 

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