The impact of male educators on students academic achievement

TOPIC: The impact of male educators on students academic achievement.

The body of the paper must be 3,000–3,500 words. There must be a title page, abstract, and reference list in addition to the headings and information in the paper. The “body of the paper” does not include the title, abstract, or reference pages. The paper must be written in current APA format and include a minimum of 15 scholarly references. Ten of the 15 scholarly references must be current (published within the past five years). Your paper must include the information outlined below. The entire document must be double-spaced, and all headings should be in bold font. This includes the abstract and references page at the end of the paper.

1.     Title Page-The title page must be the current APA professional version of the title page. The title summarizes the paper and its focus. Your title should be in this format: The Impact of ____________ on __________.

2.     Abstract- The abstract is a short paragraph summarizing the major elements of the paper to give the reader an idea of important information in the paper. The abstract must be between 150-250 words. The abstract should be double-spaced, the first line is not indented, and it should be on page 2. No other information should be included on this page. The body of the paper should start on page 3. It is usually helpful to write the abstract after the body of the paper has been written. The abstract should state the main points of the paper. Avoid citing references in the abstract. Keywords used in the paper should be written under the abstract. Indent and italicize the word Keywords. These should be the words defined in the paper’s Definitions section.

3.     Introduction-There should be no heading for the introduction. Just indent the first line after the title heading and begin writing the introduction. This section introduces the topic that will be developed throughout the paper. You may use information from the Course Project: Develop a Topic Assignment that you completed in Module 2: Week 2; however, you will not be able to simply copy and paste from it because you have probably found more information in the references you have annotated for this paper. Explain the importance of the topic and give a broad overview of the problem. Clarify the learning theory that aligns with the topic and the importance it has in the field of education.

4.     Headings-To ensure that your paper meets the requirements of the grading rubric, the following elements must be clearly identified with headings. Remember, there is no heading for the introduction.

a.     Definitions – This section immediately follows your paper’s introduction. This will be a numbered list of terms pertinent to the information in the paper. Each term will be indented and placed in italics. A dash should follow each term with the definition stated beside it. All definitions must be supported with a scholarly reference. Dictionary definitions are not acceptable. Example:

1. Attitude – Attitude is a psychological tendency that involves evaluating a particular object with some degree of favor or disfavor (Eagly & Chaiken, 1993).

2. Interest – The combination of emotion and personal valuation of a task resulting in a desire for various levels of enjoyment (Ainley & Ainley, 2011).

b.   Related Literature – In this section, you will explain the information about the topic that you have found in the references you annotated in the Course Project: Annotated Bibliography Sources Assignments. You may use other references in addition to the 15 that you annotated. You may end up using several that were not in your annotated bibliographies because you found other information in other references that you used in place of these.

Synthesize the references you used in your annotated bibliographies to show that several references support your points about the topic. When you synthesize the references, you will combine information from what different experts in the field have published about your topic. Do not write a summary of one reference at a time as you did in the annotated bibliographies, but rather, show that several references support a specific point. Synthesize or combine that information together.  

As you research and read many different articles and studies about your topic, you will determine what the current literature has to say about the topic and combine that information into specific points or themes.  For example, say you have conducted a literature review on student engagement.  As you searched the literature, you discovered specific points (themes) in the research studies you reviewed that impacted student engagement.  The themes that were discovered include: 

·       Years of Teaching Experience

·       Administration Support of Teaching

·       Use of Technology

These themes will be the Level 2 heading in your paper. The Related Literature section is the only section where Level 2 headings are needed. This should be the longest section of the paper, and Level 2 headings help structure and organize the information for the reader.

c.   Learning Theory Association – Identify one learning theory you have read about in the Schunk text that serves as the foundation for your topic. Explain the theory at the beginning of this section, and then connect your specific problem to the theory throughout the rest of the section to show how they align.

d.   Gaps in the Research – Explain what areas of your topic still need further research. (Usually, this can be found in the very last section of academic journal articles, labeled “future research.”)

e.   Biblical Worldview – Provide the biblical worldview perspective on the topic. Explain why the topic is important as it relates to scripture and your biblical worldview. Offer alternative ideas which incorporate a solid biblical worldview perspective. The use of scripture is appropriate in this section.

f.    Conclusion-Your conclusion should relate to the introduction in some way so that your paper displays coherence. If your introduction included a metaphor, quote, theme, etc., it is appropriate to integrate that again. The conclusion should be a minimum of 250 words.

5.     References-Use the scholarly references that you used in the annotated bibliographies. Include at least 15 scholarly references, and make sure at least 10 of those references are recent and have been published in the past five years.

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