High School Engineering

Learning Goal: I’m working on a engineering question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.

This project in Project Procurement Course is an application of the material covered within the course. The student should select a project from his side. Although students can choose any topic related to the course for their term project, students are strongly encouraged to choose the topic of their term project from the industry where they are working. As a requirement of the project, students will have to submit a report (soft form – MS Word document). The project report should include the following sections:


Motivation/importance of the topic

Scientific literature review


Results and discussion


Quality of Academic writing

Plagiarism free lor less than 5%

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Free 0%

Word counts should be more than 3000 words

After selecting the appropriate project, the student should develop a quality management plan for his/her project. To achieve this target, the student may do the following as part of the research methodology and result: –

Identify and classify your customers.

Prioritize customers using the L-shaped matrix. If any of your customers are not important. You may take them out.

Identify requirements per customer and list all requirements in one Table.

Prioritize these requirements –taking customer view into perspective- using the L-shaped matrix.

Create customer weighted requirements prioritization matrix and determine the overall prioritization per requirement.

Develop the pertaining specifications for the requirements. Note, you may need to write your operational definition for some requirements.

Once specifications are identified, develop your quality assurance activities and quality assurance plan.

Note: the student should use the compliance matrix to show how some requirements can be achieved

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