For your final project assignment, you will analyze and reflect upon your role within an organization. You choose the organization. Some examples of organizations you can write about include an athletic team, classroom, work department, church, fraternity, sorority, community service, internship, clubs, activist groups, volunteer, etc. You are not limited to these options. Rather, this is a limited sample size to consider.

For your final project assignment, you will analyze and reflect upon your role within an organization. You choose the organization. Some examples of organizations you can write about include an athletic team, classroom, work department, church, fraternity, sorority, community service, internship, clubs, activist groups, volunteer, etc. You are not limited to these options. Rather, this is a limited sample size to consider.

 Construct a PowerPoint presentation that presents your ideas about your organization (Cache Bulldog Lady Soccer Team), (minimum of 7 slides that include both text and images)

Whichever option you choose you must include a Works Cited page with at least 5 sources.

As you develop ideas for this project consider the following questions:

  • Why did you select this particular organization?
  • What is your role within the organization? What do you contribute to this organization?
  • How do you define this organization’s culture? (Consider how you define culture within this context).
  • What skills and talents must one possess to participate within this organization? What skills must one possess to be successful within your organization?
  • What is your organization’s hierarchy? In other words, how is your organization structured?
  • What value do you bring to your selected organization? How does your participation within this organization enhance value in your life?
  • Why do you participate in this organization?
  • Write about your organization as if you were describing it to someone unfamiliar with it.
  • Describe the dynamics within your organization? You could also discuss the politics within this organization.
  • Discuss your organization’s mission statement, objectives, and values.
  • What does your organization value?
  • Discuss the leadership roles within your organization.
  • Does your organization value autonomy? Why or why not?
  • What have you learned as a result of your participation within this organization?
  • What advice would an experienced version of yourself within your organization give to the neophyte version of you beginning in your organization?
  • What do you enjoy about your organization?
  • What are some areas for improvement within your organization?
  • How does your organization handle discipline?
  • How does your organization educate its participants?
  • How does your organization incentivize participants to give their best effort?
  • What do you hope to gain as a result of your participation within your organization?
  • What advice would you give to someone just beginning within this organization?

You do not have to answer all of these questions. Instead, select a handful of these questions, answer them, and develop your ideas to the best of your ability. You are welcome to answer other questions associated with reflecting on your organization.

Regarding your sources, you must use a combination of primary, textual sources, and secondary sources. The majority of your sources must be primary sources. 

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