Review the slideshow featuring photographs taken by Lewis Hine during the first decade of the 20th century. Hine was an activist fighting for reform of child labor laws in the United States. Child labor began in America during the depression of the 1890s, so these photos give insight into the conditions in which children worked and why it was eventually made illegal.

Review the slideshow featuring photographs taken by Lewis Hine during the first decade of the 20th century. Hine was an activist fighting for reform of child labor laws in the United States. Child labor began in America during the depression of the 1890s, so these photos give insight into the conditions in which children worked and why it was eventually made illegal.

Once you’ve reviewed the slides, present your insights and observations on this era and this practice.

Beyond Their Years –

Discussion Expectations

In each discussion forum, students are expected to respond to the prompt by providing an informed, rigorous, and professional post. The initial post should be at least 200 or more words.

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