You will integrate ESL strategies into content area instruction by a mini-lesson at a distance.

You will integrate ESL strategies into content area instruction by a mini-lesson at a distance. Your mini-lesson must adhere to the following criteria: 

  1. Lesson plan template: Plan your math, science, language arts, or social studies mini-lesson (use an actual TEKSLinks to an external site.) following this lesson plan template Download this lesson plan template. You need to use the EXCEL Method Download EXCEL Method. (You can watch the video below where, starting at 57minutes 33 seconds, the EXCEL method is explained in detail) Adapt the lesson plan to teach one single student through a video lesson.
  2. ESL strategies: Mini-lesson will integrate at least 5 ESL strategies from your textbook.
  3. Visual aids: Incorporate teaching materials into your mini-lesson (i.e., posters, sentence strips, manipulatives, video, pictures, photographs, etc.). In

Your Teaching: Lesson Segments 

  1. Time frame: You will teach and record your lesson (At least 15 minutes long).
  2. Engaging your student: You will teach an individual student. During teaching, you will “talk with” rather than “talk to” your student. In other words, you will sound and appear “conversational” by posing questions and allowing time for responses from your student (You don’t need to have an actual student receiving the lesson. You will pretend that you have a student)
  3. Etiquette: Instructors will teach while standing or sitting before an operating video recording device. Instructors will abstain from chewing gum or wearing caps or hats during lesson delivery.
  4. Reflection on mini-lesson. In your assignment, be sure to include your thoughts about your performance based on the following questions:

(A) Did your teaching adhere to the lesson’s objectives? What is your evidence? 

(B) What did you think about your lesson delivery? (Address strengths and areas of growth). 

  1. Submit your materials: Post your lesson plan, reflection, and video link to the Canvas assignment
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