The environment played a significant role in the settlement of the West. In turn, the settlement of the West significantly impacted the environment. Chose a city in the West and create an environmental impact statement that analyzes the development of the area and the interrelationship between the environment and settlement. Areas to address include:

The environment played a significant role in the settlement of the West. In turn, the settlement of the West significantly impacted the environment. Chose a city in the West and create an environmental impact statement that analyzes the development of the area and the interrelationship between the environment and settlement. Areas to address include:

  1. A description of the affected environment
  2. Impacts to native species, both flora and fauna
  3. Air, water, and soil quality impacts
  4. Impacts to historic and cultural sites, particularly sites of significant importance to indigenous peoples
  5. Social and economic impacts to local communities

Your impact statement should be in the form of a governmental report of 1,750-2,000 words. Confine your discussion from the mid-19th century to the start of WWII.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the Turabian Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. With Footnotes at bottom of page

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