Describe the subject matter / story being shown in your artwork. Be detailed in your answer. Use vocabulary. Explain who and what is represented in the image/object/sculpture? List everything you can see. What is the source of the story/subject? Is it from a novel, religious text, an everyday subject, etc.? Identify the genre of the artwork

Answer in full sentences, provide in text citations for all answers, and include a work cited page.

To complete these handouts:

1. Read/watch carefully the 6 sources from the Work cited page;a. take notes (no need to submit notes) on info and ideas as you read the sources;

b. write down the number of page/paragraph/time stamp in video for all quotes and information you write down in your notes.

2. Provide the information and answer questions in the handouts:

a. Answer in FULL SENTENCES or paragraphs, and provide as much detail as possiblein your answer, along with an IN TEXT CITATION for every answer;

b. IN TEXT CITATIONS: Cite all information and ideas found in your answers. For each answer (or row of info) cite at least ONE source from your work cited page;

c. Cite the source using brackets and by provide the author’s name and the number of page/paragraph/time stamp in video, for example (Smith, 2) or (Smith, para 2) or (Smith, 1:02:21)i. Last name of source, up to two authors; if no known author then use the “shortened title” or museum name;ii. Note the location of information or quote in your source by identifying:1. page number;2. paragraph number, if a website or article without pages;3. video time stamp if video or documentary.

d. Limit the use of quotes to shortened phrases. Quotes that are a few words in length may be used, if accompanied by quotation marks. DO NOT USE LONG QUOTES.

3. Type your answers directly in the table provided below – do not handwrite or make a separate table. The columns will expand to accommodate your text. Submit edited document.

4. There is no limit and no word count for the assignment or individual rows. However, it is expected that all information will be supported by citation, as well as explanations and quotes where required. All forms of plagiarism will result in a mark of 0.

5. Work Cited page is required to be added to the last page of the handouts. The Work Cited page can be the same as that submitted previously, with edits, provided same sources used.


Student Name ___________________

Student Number           _____________

Research Project Handout

Answer in full sentences, provide in text citations for all answers, and include a work cited page.

A. Identify Basic Information




Scale (size in cm/in/m/ft)

Materials and medium

Original place of production

Current location (museum, city, country)

Art period / art movement

Culture (ex. Italian, Mughal, American, etc.)


1. Describe the subject matter / story being shown in your artwork. Be detailed in your answer. Use vocabulary. Explain who and what is represented in the image/object/sculpture? List everything you can see. What is the source of the story/subject? Is it from a novel, religious text, an everyday subject, etc.? Identify the genre of the artwork (ie. portrait, history (painting), mythological (painting), genre painting, still life, etc.). Is there a lot of visible detail in your painting or sculpture? Is anything particularly emphasized or out of focus?   


1. Discuss the scale, materials, techniques and artistic conventions seen in the artwork. Use vocabulary. How is the painting / sculpture / print/ photograph organized?  Identify what is located in the foreground, middle-ground and background of the painting? Note what kind of perspective and techniques are used. Discuss colours, surfaces, and textures.   If sculpture, consider how it is carved or modelled (are there any smooth or rough surfaces, is it in the round, relief, etc.). Consider the scale and materials are used to make the work. Notes how and where the work was originally displayed or shown, if known.


 2. Discuss the artist of the artwork. Provide a short biography of the artist and briefly explain what kinds of works they specialized in or are known for (discuss their oeuvre, body of work)? If the artist is unknown, note what the scholars say about who the possible artist was.

 3. Discuss the patron and commission.  ​Provide a brief biography of the patron and explain why they commissioned the work, if known. If the patron is unknown, note what the scholars say about who the possible patronwas.

 4. Discuss the function(s) served by the artwork. Consider what possible functions the work served for the patron who commissioned it, and what may the work have meant for the artist. Explain you answer.

 5. Identify and explain what art historical period/ art movement the artwork belongs to.  In your answer, make sure to identify the geographic region / location of where the work was made and also note the culture.


1. Explain what messages, feeling, emotions, or ideas are communicated by the artwork. Make sure to find this information in one of your sources, do not guess.

 2. Provide 3 (different) examples of how the artwork is interpreted by your sources by providing a quote and names of the art historians /scholars /writers / of your sources.  Provide three short quotes – no longer than one brief sentence each – from your sources (from your work cited page,) written by three different authors. Then, after you quote, explain in your own words what the quotes mean.  First, introduce the quote using the author’s name; set the quote in quotation marks; and, provide an in text citation. For ex.: According to Smith, the painting “expresses well the Duke’s power and authority while applying the newly developed techniques of Renaissance art” (Smith, 12). For Smith, the painting shows the intricate relationship between politics and art in the Renaissance period.

First Quote and explanation:

Second Quote and explanation:

Third Quote and explanation:

 3. Discuss why the artwork significant or unique in the history of art. Consider what importance or fame the artwork has in the art history


List at least 6 academic sources used in the handout. These can be same as those submitted in the previous assignment, the “Works Cited Page”, however you should make necessary adjustments to the errors made in the previous submission. 

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