This section explains the process by which the risks associated with this project were identified.  It should describe the method(s) for how the project team identified risks, the format in which risks are recorded, and the forum in which this process was conducted.  Typical methods of identifying risks are expert interview, review historical information from similar projects and conducting a risk assessment meeting with the project team and key stakeholders.

From the following link: Canada Gazette, Part 1, Volume 157, Number 44:  , the top three risks were identified. The three risks are as follows: 

1) Public Health and Safety Concerns: The increasingly global trade in foods coupled with other factors, such as climate change, increases risks for the introduction and spread of new foodborne hazards, including contaminants, harmful pathogens and diseases. 

2) Lack of Stakeholder Engagement and Transparency: The proposal mentions making the regulatory system more agile, transparent, and responsive. However, there is a risk that the administrative updates and changes may be implemented without sufficient stakeholder engagement. If industry representatives, consumer advocates, and health professionals, are not adequately consulted or if the decision-making process lacks transparency, it could lead to dissatisfaction, resistance, and potential legal challenges. Lack of stakeholder involvement may also result in regulations that do not fully consider diverse perspectives, leading to unintended consequences and implementation challenges. 

3) Economic and marketing impact: the proposal poses a risk of market disruption and economic challenges for industry stakeholders. If the changes are not communicated effectively or if they result in significant modifications to existing products and processes, businesses may face increased compliance costs, product reformulation expenses, and potential supply chain disruptions. This could particularly impact smaller businesses that may have limited resources to adapt to the regulatory changes. Additionally, the harmonization efforts with trading partners may not align seamlessly with their regulatory frameworks, creating barriers to international trade and affecting the competitiveness of Canadian food products in the global market. Careful consideration and a phased approach to implementation are crucial to minimize economic disruptions and support a smooth transition for industry participants. 

By covering the following points and using the link above and answer the question ” Risk Identification” :

Risk Identification:

This section explains the process by which the risks associated with this project were identified.  It should describe the method(s) for how the project team identified risks, the format in which risks are recorded, and the forum in which this process was conducted.  Typical methods of identifying risks are expert interview, review historical information from similar projects and conducting a risk assessment meeting with the project team and key stakeholders.

For this project, risk identification was conducted in the initial project risk assessment meeting.  The method used by the project team to identify risks was the Crawford Slip method.  The project manager chaired the risk assessment meeting and distributed notepads to each member of the team and allowed 10 minutes for all team members to record as many risks as possible.

Expert Interview

Two Expert Interviews were held for this project.  The interviews revealed several risks which were then mitigated by making changes to the project plan.  The remaining risks are included in the Risk Register.

Risk Assessment Meeting

A risk assessment meeting was held with key team members and stakeholders.  The risks identified during this meeting were added to the project plan and Risk Register.

Historical Review of Similar Projects

The project team reviewed the history of similar projects in order to determine the most common risks and the strategies used to mitigate those risks.

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