Create a Haiku Poem about Humanity and identity

Part 1


  • Create a Haiku Poem about Humanity and identity! Now that we have a grasp on the Humanities, share how you see the humanities and the arts it encompasses through a poem. As you now know, the humanities are all about showcasing human experience.
  • A haiku is a Japanese form of poetry. It has three lines and seventeen syllables. The first line has 5 syllables, the second line has 7 syllables and the third line has 5 syllables.


humanity haiku by Gitanjali Kapoor


beyond alien masks
await wondrous azure skies
I dream ogling stars


  • Watch the following scene from ‘Citizen Kane,’ which is regarded as one of the best films ever made, and answer the following questions.
    • Not knowing the whole plot, how do you feel the actors are portraying their characters?
    • What do you think of the angle of the camera and why it is positioned that way?
    • Why do you think this would be noted as the greatest film ever made, and why would this be regarded as the best scene in the film?
    • One of the actors is out of frame for some time during the scene, is there any importance to this? Why?

Part 2.

  • After watching the Crash Course videos on Hamlet, do you believe Hamlet was really insane? Or was his actions caused by influence? Did he live a difficult life? Explain.
  • Why do you believe people are drawn to Hamlet, and the famous ‘To Be or Not To Be’ soliloquy? Can the average everyday person relate to this play? Why or why not? And do you believe this play will still be popular years in the future?
  • Review the song, ‘Music Is In Everything’ by Ziggy Marley and Lisa Loeb using one of the critical methods mentioned at the beginning of the Week 2 module and include it in your post.
  • What song best represents you and your attitude to life? Can music alter your behavior or how you dress? Does your music change based on your feelings; say if you’re in love, angry, or excited?

Requirements: 100 words for each part

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