What is your four letter personalty type?


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Please describe who you are based on these four letters.
introvert I’m quiet and not very social

sensing I’m logical and I make sensible decisions

Thinking I always weigh the pros and cons when I make a decision

judging I enjoy to work in an environment that allow me to make decisions

1.Write a short reflection summary description of your Personality Type in this Discussion post. What are your strengths and weaknesses? Upload the PDF report along with your Discussion post as well based on the attached file

2. reply with 200 words on each response

Amanda: This was very interesting after taking this four-letter personality type “ISTJ” stands for Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, and Judging. I learned the real definition of my personality. My personality type is often characterized by traits such as being practical, responsible, organized, and logical. I really enjoy and prefer to work in a structured environment and as well I am very reliable and attentive to detail.

My strength is always trying to make it perfect my weak is not getting it at my very first try I get discouraged when I don’t don’t get it on my first attempt

Zina:Hi everyone, My four-letter personality type is ISTJ. ISTJ includes introversion, sensing, thinking, and judging. Introversion is when you enjoy working at a careful and steady pace, thinking carefully about the assignments, and enjoying tasks that require concentration. Sensing is enjoying working with what you can see and touch, needing specific and realistic directions, and applying experience to solve issues. My third personality type is thinking instead of feeling. This is motivated by my achievements. Thinkers make fair and unbiased decisions and analyze problems logically. Lastly, my final personality trait is judging. This is when you enjoy work that allows you to make your own decisions, they prefer a predictable work pattern and environment and like to be in control. I enjoy being in control of my work and I always need realistic directions or otherwise, I cannot do my work.

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