Criminal Justice

Learning Goal: I’m working on a criminal justice writing question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.

Throughout the reading text, the main theme has stressed how police-community relations are

complicated and constantly changing interactions between representatives of the police

organizations and an assortment of government agencies, public groups, and private individuals

representing a wide range of competing and often conflicting interests. There is no one

community with whom the police interact. There is a consortium of inter and external communes

involved, therefore there can be no one strategy that fits all problems. Mark Moore (1992) states

that problem solving and community policing as alternative organizational strategies, define

general approaches to policing rather than a definitive set of actives.

Currently there is constant conflict occurring in several cities primarily Baltimore Maryland and

Ferguson Missouri. Minority groups feel that police have abused them for many years and

demand change. Police organizations feel that they have been hung out to dry by the federal and

city government as well as the media. Many businesses have been vandalized and looted and

business groups are fed up and demand harsher enforcement and more arrests. Most Caucasian

residents feel the police are doing the job well and demand the minority residents be punished for

their behavior. You are a consultant hired from another agency to provide recommendations on

how to repair the police-community relation in one of these cities.

Describe what methods based on the text book as well as external research that you would utilize

to mend these relationships.


The written assignment for this course, is an analysis of a critical issue in Law Enforcement – community relations today. I have assigned the topic listed above. It should be 5-7 pages, not including the title page and the bibliography. Students will follow APA Format which is the accepted style in the Social Sciences.

It should be typed, double-spaced, on 8.5” by 11” paper, in 12-point font, with 1” margins, and stapled (For online format paper will be submitted in the assignment drop box and not emailed)

The critical issues topic will be released on the Monday following the mid-term examination to allow for ample time to conduct research and complete the paper prior the end of the last week.

The critical issues analysis paper is not a book report or a book review. It is intended to have you show that you can apply what you’ve learned in this course to research on a particular critical issue in social policy. It must apply concepts and material from this course to themes, findings, or conclusions of the book. In your paper, you should try to concentrate on and develop a few themes; don’t spread yourself too thin and try to cover too much material from either the course or the book you are analyzing.

Along with citing course readings or lectures in your essay, you must also cite at least five other academic or scholarly journals or books relevant to your topic. Use the various computerized literature searches available at the Library or on-line to help you find relevant articles. If you aren’t sure of the difference between an academic work and a popular work, please ask for clarification.

It is very important to always credit and cite your sources appropriately. Academic honesty is very important to your success in this class. I expect a paper written by you, in your own words, and not previously submitted for another class. I will be using the plagiarism detection tool Turnitin through Canvas to check your written work.

I suggest that each of you review the Student Code of Conduct which contains the Academic Honor Code at:

Papers found to be not in compliance will be graded accordingly. Please note I do not accept late papers.

Your paper needs to be clear and concise. You should edit and re-edit the paper a number of

times before submitting it, cutting out extraneous words or sentences and re-wording as you go.

Proper grammar, sentence structure, and spelling are important writing skills. Ask others to

proof-read your paper for editorial and logical errors.

Your paper should not exceed 10 double-spaced pages of text.

You are encouraged to discuss your analysis as you are preparing it, either with me, by

appointment, or with other students. Please note that I cannot read entire drafts of your research

paper. I will read an introductory paragraph that describes your thesis, and I will look at an

outline of your analysis.

The paper must be original for this class and not recycled from a paper or papers from

other classes. If it is determined that the research paper is not original for the class, the student

will receive a grade of zero for the assignment.


Papers will be returned by e-mail attachment, with comments, to students upon

completion of review and grading. The instructor will maintain electronic copies of the paper for

one semester following completion of the course. After that, papers will be deleted.


1. All papers must be typed, using a 12-point font and double-spaced.

2. The introduction provides sufficient background on the topic and previews major points.

50 Points

3. Content is comprehensive, accurate, and/or persuasive. 75 Points

4. Major points clearly stated, supported by specific details examples or analysis, and

organized logically. 50 Points

5. There is integration of theory and practice linking theories to practical experience. 50


6. Grammar, spelling and punctuation are correct. 25 Points

7. Proper APA format with in text citations and properly formatted references. 25 points.

Things to Keep in Mind

a number of times before submitting it, cutting out extraneous words/sentences and re-wording

as you go. Proper grammar, sentence structure, and spelling are important writing skills. Ask

others to proofread your paper for editorial and logical errors. Staff from the Writing Center is

also available to assist you.

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