Description of your favorite two comfort meals (you need to choose a full meal, not just a cup of ice cream or a snickers bar). It can be a meal from your favorite restaurant, fast food joint or something you like to make it home. Include the nutrient facts about each meal. Then, research an alternative healthier meal for each of your two comfort meals. Compare the nutrients between the comfort meal and healthier alternative.

make a powerpoint and wrire reflection paper.

Nutrition Project

Grading: 1 of 5 projects going toward your Project Grade which is 30% of your total grade for the course; 65 points possible for this individual project.

Understanding nutrition, the food that you eat every day, is an integral part of leading a healthy lifestyle. A healthy diet can help prevent chronic disease (heart disease, diabetes, etc.) and promote healthy weight.

Structure of Project:

  • You will work independently on this assignment and each student will select their own favorite comfort meal.
  • You will create a PowerPoint presentation on the nutrient breakdown of your two favorite comfort meals and a healthier alternative for each.
  • You will record yourself giving your PowerPoint presentation.
  • You will upload your record of your PowerPoint presentation via the Discussion Board (see link in eCampus), where your classmates will view your presentation and make kind remarks.

What you need to include for full credit:

Description of your favorite two comfort meals (you need to choose a full meal, not just a cup of ice cream or a snickers bar). It can be a meal from your favorite restaurant, fast food joint or something you like to make it home. Include the nutrient facts about each meal. Then, research an alternative healthier meal for each of your two comfort meals. Compare the nutrients between the comfort meal and healthier alternative.

Assignment Components:

Presentation – 52 points total

  1. PowerPoint is well done with no distracting grammatical errors, attractive pictures/videos, etc., and easily readable and enjoyable to watch. Student speaks clearly and knows topic well. (6.5 points)
  2. Include the following for your two meals:
    1. Macromolecules in food item and approximate amount of each. Macromolecules include: carbohydrates (starches), protein, fats, glucose (sugar), and salt. (13 points)
    2. What does your body/cells use the macromolecules for (do they play a role in cellular respiration, building of proteins or tissues, etc.) (9.75 points)
    3. What percentage of your daily (healthy) intake is in the food for each of these biomolecules. (3.25 points)
      1. Note: these percentages are published and will require no calculation on your part.
  3. Include the following for your two healthier alternative to the original comfort meals:
    1. Macromolecules in food item and approximate amount of each. Macromolecules include: carbohydrates (starches), protein, fats, glucose (sugar), and salt. (13 points)
    2. What percentage of your daily (healthy) intake is in the food for each of these biomolecules. (3.25 points)
  4. Evaluate your healthy food alternatives (13 points)
    1. How healthy is the healthy alternative for you?
    2. What vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants or other healthy components?
    3. Overall, how is your healthier alternative meal healthier for you than your original comfort meal? Be specific
  5. Works Cited (3.25 points)
    1. MLA format; 2 or more sources (these can be on the last slide of your presentation).
  1. Reflection Paper (13 points)

The reflection paper will not be included in your powerpoint presentation. You will submit your reflection paper in a separate link found in the nutrition project folder: Lab Experiments & Projects -> Projects -> Nutrition project folder -> Nutrition Project Reflection Paper submission link. You will submit the following:

  1. You will write 3-4 paragraphs to explain the following questions:
    1. What did you learn from your nutrition project?
    2. Will you eat the healthier alternative or stick with your original comfort food?
    3. List 2 things that surprised you about your comfort food?
    4. List 2 things that you learned about macronutrients (carbs, proteins, fats) and/or micronutrients (vitamins).
    5. What changes could you make in your personal diet to incorporate antioxidants?
  2. Please make sure to use proper grammar and clear language.
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