Learning Goal: I’m working on a psychology report and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.

Think back to a job description that you may have read. Do you think the job description accurately represented the actual tasks and responsibilities associated with the job depicted? Organizations often use a highly structured format to write job descriptions. Although you may not realize it, a job description is based on a job analysis. People who create job descriptions should identify the most critical tasks of a job, and then identify the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to perform in the job successfully. This is often done through employee observation. In order to create an accurate job description, organizations should perform a job analysis. After the job analysis, there is usually a review process to ensure the accuracy of the job description (Whetzel & Wheaton, 2007).

For this Application Assignment, you begin your fictitious role as personnel consultant. Your first task is to develop a job description. Review the media, “Introduction to Company,” located in this week’s Learning Resources to obtain a background of your company. Then, review the media, “Employee Observation.” Consider the type of job for the tasks and duties that you observed. Think about the responsibilities, abilities, and tasks you might include in the job description.


Whetzel, D. L., & Wheaton, G. R. (2007). Context for developing applied measurement instruments. In Applied measurement: Industrial psychology in human resources management (pp. 1–11). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates

The Assignment (1 page)

  • Write a 1-page job description for the employee observed in the media, “Employee Observation.”
  • Include the following elements in your job description:
    • A descriptive title for the job
    • A one-sentence definition or summary of the key responsibilities and/or unusual working conditions for the job
    • A list of several important and illustrative tasks or responsibilities
    • Several important qualifications that may include licenses, abilities, knowledge, and skills
  • Use the document, “Data Collection Form for Generalized Work Activities,” to rate the employee’s job using the generalized work activities scales from the O*NET.
    • Note the survey questions are contained in the document, “Data Collection Form for Generalized Work Activities.” Please place your responses directly in this Excel document.
  • Submit your job description in a Word document and your Excel document, “Data Collection Form for Generalized Work Activities.”
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