Begin with a brief discussion defining prime numbers and their significance.

Prepare a simple lesson plan on how to teach one of the sections (4.1, 4.2 or 4.3) on number theory to your class.  Be sure to utilize any of the videos.  

Review one of your classmates and provide constructive criticism in at least 5 sentences

Respond to Porchia, 

Lesson Plan on Number Theory: Prime Numbers (4.1)

Objective: Introduce students to prime numbers, their properties, and applications.


Whiteboard/markers or digital whiteboard tool

Chart of prime numbers

Video on prime numbers (e.g., “Introduction to Prime Numbers” by Khan Academy)

Introduction (10 minutes):

Begin with a brief discussion defining prime numbers and their significance.

Show a video explaining prime numbers, their properties, and how to identify them.

Identifying Prime Numbers (15 minutes):

Use the chart of prime numbers to demonstrate the concept practically.

Engage the class in finding prime numbers through examples and interactive activities.

Properties of Prime Numbers (15 minutes):

Explain the unique properties of prime numbers, such as being divisible only by 1 and themselves.

Discuss how prime numbers relate to factors and multiples.

Applications (10 minutes):

Show real-world applications of prime numbers, such as in cryptography or computing.

Engage in a discussion on how prime numbers are used in daily life.

Conclusion (5 minutes):

Summarize the key points covered.

Assign a simple task for the students to identify and list prime numbers up to a certain range.

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