International Law Question

Learning Goal: I’m working on a international law question and need guidance to help me learn.

Research Paper :

• You are required to write an essay on the current jihadi terrorism landscape in the Sahel region
of Africa. The essay should have descriptive information, and the analyses.
• You are free (but not required) to support your essay with relevant data, and quantitative
• The essay will be about 1,500 words long (excluding the list of resources)
for JLC 671 students. I can tolerate the +/- 5 % of the word length limits.
• I will deduct points for the essays longer/shorter than 5% of the required length.
• Please include the word counts at the end of your paper.
• JLC 671 students are required to use at least 14 resources excluding the required class readings. All resources must be published in years 2022 and 2023. At least half of your resources must be academic such as peer-reviewed articles, a chapter from an edited book, a paper from an academic conference, etc. Note that journalistic reports are not academic resources.
• You are free to use any standard citation style including but not limited to APA, MLA, Chicago
Style, etc. I will not be strict on the citation style format, as long as the style is consistent.
Where applicable, it should include author(s) name(s), journal title/book title, chapter
title/article title, year of publication, volume number/book chapter and the article number or
pagination. I also encourage use of DOI.
• The resources list must be provided at the last section of the paper.

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