self of the counselor

Learning Goal: I’m working on a nursing question and need guidance to help me learn.

You will describe how your family or origin may impact your clinical work in your role as mental health in your final reflection paper.

Reflect on how patterns have shaped your emerging theoretical development, counseling values and beliefs, and counseling worldviews. How does your “self” intersect with theories that you gravitate towards in the program and in your training?

Do you think the theory or theories you are gravitating towards accommodate your “self” and/or signature theme? The theories I have in mind are Cognitive Behavioral theory and Psychanalytic theory.

Discuss impact of Family of origin (FOO)on transference and countertransference.

Share ways your Family of origin (FOO) will positively and negatively impact you working with individuals, couples, children, and families.

Depending on where you are in your program training (2 year), how comfortable you are with how you are “showing up” with your “self” and are you hoping to develop this further with more experience? How will you make this happen?

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