Start Assignment 7 – Psychological Disorders

Start Assignment 7 – Psychological Disorders. For this assignment, answer the following
a. Summarize Schizophrenia by answering the following questions:
i. Explain the dopamine theory of schizophrenia (2 pts).
ii. Explain two alternative (or complementary) explanations that could cause the
same problems. [8 points]
b. Summarize the Monoamine Hypothesis for Depression by answering the following
i. What are “monoamines” responsible for in the brain? [2]
ii. What is happening to these substances in someone with depression? [2]
iii. Explain what each of two types of drugs do to fix those synaptic imbalances in
the brain? [2]
c. Find and explain one example of a personality disorder in media (TV, film, music).
Include the character/person, symptoms, and a possible treatment [4 points].
Submission Note: Your assignment WILL be checked for plagiarism using TurnItIn, so DO NOT use
Chegg or other online sources for your answers, or copy the words of the text. Make sure you
check the Similarity score of EVERY assignment you submit, and redo anything that is above 20%
similarity that highlights your answer. To reduce your TurnItIn similarity score, do not copy and
paste the questions into your answers- simply numbering your answers A and B are sufficient. If
you copy the questions into your document, delete them before submitting your answers.
Assignment 7 – Post – Modern Composers
Note: Please be sure you complete this assignment BEFORE completing the DQ 7 discussion.
Copied below are links to recordings of 7 well-‐known works of Post-‐Modern composers. Peruse
the list and then listen to one of these works. While you are listening, read about the music by
clicking on the “Read about this work” link provided for each. (If, for any reason, you do not like
the music you selected, choose another selection.). Then, based on the listening and reading you
did, write a short informal essay of approximately 150 words that answers the following
Which Post-‐Modern work did you listen to? (Be sure to use the full name of the composer and
the work.) What about the work impressed you? Feel free to provide any personal comments
or observations you may have about the music or the composer.
Assignment 7 – Post-Modern Period Composers
(Limited selected list; composers are listed chronologically, by year of birth.)
Joaquin Rodrigo (Spanish; 1901-‐1999) Fantasia para un Gentilhombre (1954)
Read about this work.
Alfred Schnittke (Russian-‐German;
Ballerina on the Boat Part 1
Read about this work.
Ennio Morricone (Italian; born 1928) Cinema Paradiso Theme (1995)
Read about this work.
Phillip Glass (American; 1937–present)
“Rubric” from Glassworks
(Minimalist; 1981)
Read about this work.
William Bolcom (American; 1938–present) Poltergeist from 3 Ghost Rags
(Polystylist; 1970)
Read about this work.
Vangelis (Greek; born 1943) Memories of Blue (“New Age;” 1996)
Read about this work.
Karl Jenkins (Welsh; born 1944) “Palladio” (Neo-‐Baroque; 1996)
Read about this work.
This assignment must be typed and submitted electronically in MS Word (.docx or .pdf) format.
The file must be named in the following format: Lastname_Assignment7. Submit your completed
document to Assignment 7, listed on the Modules and Assignments pages, as a file attachment.
DQ 7: Create your initial post on the DQ 7 Discussion Board in response to the
following question(s):
Note: Please be sure you complete this assignment AFTER you complete Assignment
Also Note: This Discussion Question assignment requires a second post. See below
for details.
Listed below are 7 examples of well-‐known works of Post-‐Modern composers. (This is
the same list used in Assignment 7.)
A. When you have completed Assignment 7, go to the DQ 7 Discussion Board and
post the name of the composer you listened to and the name of the musical work
you wrote about in Assignment 7. In 2 or 3 sentences, make a recommendation to
the other students about the work you listened to in Assignment 7 and why you think
they should listen to it. Be sure to copy and paste the link to the video of your
selected work in your post.
Return to the board at a later time when other students have posted their initial
responses and read over the posts of your fellow classmates. Choose one work
recommended by a classmate and listen to it. Then create a post responding to
his/her initial post on the Discussion Board.
For your convenience, the list of Post-Modern music for this week’s assignments is
copied below. (The composers are listed chronologically, by year of birth.)
(Spanish; 1901-‐1999) Fantasia para un
Gentilhombre (1954)
Ballerina on the Boat [Part 1]
(Italian; born 1928) Cinema Paradiso Theme
Phillip Glass (American;
“Rubric” from Glassworks
(Minimalist; 1981)
Poltergeist from 3 Ghost
Rags(Polystylist; 1970)
Vangelis (Greek; born 1943) Memories of Blue(“New Age;”
Karl Jenkins (Welsh; born 1944) “Palladio” (Neo-‐Baroque;
After posting, return to the board and read over the posts of your fellow classmates.
Choose at least one classmate and create a post responding to his/her initial post on
the Discussion Board.
● Dr. Helen Fisher’s TEDtalk, “Technology Hasn’t Changed Love Here’s Why”
● Anthropologist Dr. Helen Fisher is an acknowledged expert on contemporary
love and relationships (after all, she’s an advisor to the ubiquitous,
so she has a lot of data to examine!). In her Ted talk, Fisher somewhat
surprisingly claims that love really hasn’t changed much in the age of Tinder,
Plenty of Fish, and assorted other online dating sites. After listening to her
opinions, do you agree or disagree? Is finding love in the age of technology
really different than in your parent’s day, or not so much? Do you think that in
the long run, the way we meet and match today will lead to more satisfying
and lasting relationships? Why or why not?”

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